13. You're so stupid

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   I yell running after Thor as he lands with a hard thud on the ground

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I yell running after Thor as he lands with a hard thud on the ground. I crash onto my knees next to his body. My hands shakily went over his features. Blood seeped from his nose. I mumbled shakily, begging for him to be okay. His eyes looked at me and blinked slowly. "You're so stupid," I mumble and he smiles at me.

"I never have good plans," He says and I laugh though it sounds strangled "It's alright," He says and I shake my head "It will be alright," he says softly as his eyes close. I cry out leaning into him. Tears fell from my eyes as I shot my hand out at the destroyer. The large robot froze as its fire died down. The spell was temporary but effective. I leaned my head down into Thor as I cried mumbling a spell that could bring him to life. The air was still as I mumbled begging for him to wake up.

"Clara," Jane said urgently. I looked up at her and then followed her gaze to see his hand twitching. I move quickly out of the way, Jane wrapping her arm around me as lightning crashes. I smile in relief, Thor no longer was exiled and he was no longer mortal. At this moment the destroyer awakens from my spell and fires at Thor's hammer. Jane mumbles an oh my god as we watch the lightning crash heavily. Thor's hammer knocks the destroyer down and he quickly lifts the destroyer up in a whirlwind.

I watch as the clouds around them get darker. A large booming noise was heard and the power of the crash knocks us back slightly. I breathe in relief as the destroyer crashes down roughly and Thor lands on the ground after it. He makes his way over to us and I smile moving from Jane and to him. I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug. "Please never do that to me again," I feel one of his hands go into my hair and the other around my back as he reciprocates the hug. We stay put for a moment before I let him go.

"You're hurt," He says gesturing to my wounds and I shook my head.

"Nothing some herbs and rest can't fix," I say he smiles at me and I return it before he looks up at his friends.

"We must go to the Bifrost site," He says and his friends nod. Just then the agent who had arrested Thor was yelling at us.

"Excuse me!" He yells "Donald," He greets sarcastically as Thor moves up to him. "I don't think you've been completely honest with me," I snort

"Know this son of Coul," I swallow my laughter "You and I fight for the same cause the protection of this world. From this day forward you can count me as an ally. IF, you return the items you've taken from Lady Foster," Thor conditions

"Stolen," Jane pipes up at the same time that Agent Coulson says "Borrowed," I roll my eyes at the two as Thor moves to stand beside me.

"Of course you can have your equipment back. You're gonna need it to continue your research," I smile at Jane who returns it before looking smugly at Agent Coulson.

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