15. I'm immortal darling

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   I sat on the couch back at my place as my friends look at me

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I sat on the couch back at my place as my friends look at me. I sigh as I walk up the stairs. "Follow me," I say quietly as I enter the large room, it looked like something straight out of a movie. A table covered in different herbs and items. A wall with ivy and other plants. I hear exhales. I walked around the table looking at my friends. "I have some explaining to do," I say and they all nod still looking around the room. I grab a mortar and pestle and different herbs. I crush them up as I think of where to start. "I'm a witch," I say bluntly cringing at how blunt I said that. Erik and Jane look at me confused.

"That's not possible," Erik says shaking his head

"You just saw a man fly via a hammer and shoot lightning out of the hammer," I say deadpanning Erik tilts his head. I add more things to my paste as I look up "I was born in 975 AD," I say as I finish my paste and start to apply it to any wounds and I hiss softly. "My mother was the town's witch and my father was a Viking," I say taking a seat on the couch "We lived in a small village. My mother bore 4 children, my brother Bjorn, and my sisters Tove and Sigrid. We lived in relative peace," I said

"Until?" Darcy asked

"Well like I said, my father was a Viking and my mother a witch. My mother was our closet link to the gods and she taught me well," I pause looking down at my hands "We were a mostly normal family at the time. When I turned 16 I was married, and a few months later I fell pregnant," I say smiling softly when I think back to my baby boy "I was maybe a few weeks from giving birth when our village was attacked,"

"By what?" Erik asked

"Frost giants," I say "Beings from Jotunheim, they were ruthless. They stormed through my home. Leaving no home untouched," I say

"What happened next?" Jane asked

"I killed the giants," I say "But not before they killed everybody I loved. My parents, siblings, nieces, and nephews," I pause "My husband,"

"And your child?" Erik asks

"He survived," I inform "He was beautiful, beaming blue eyes, curly hair that mirrored the sun," I smile "I never knew you could love someone more. Knud, that was his name. He died when he was young caught the fever," I explain

"How are you still alive?" Jane asks

"Most practicing witches get their magic from the earth. They live and die just like normal humans," I say

"But not you?" Jane inquires

"No, I originally drew my power from Asgard. But after some problems, I get my powers from the moon. But seeing as the moon doesn't have balance like the earth I will live as long as I draw the power of the moon and treat it with respect then I will stay young and alive," I explain "I'm immortal darling," I say cockily with a final smile before I stood "Now do you guys want any tea?"

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