22. Hail and farewell

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   When I woke up next maids had taken to cleaning me up

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When I woke up next maids had taken to cleaning me up. I knew her funeral was going to take place in the later hours of the night. I dressed and moved to find Thor. It wasn't hard to find him, but when I did my heart broke. His eyes were far off and his fingers shook. I moved and stood next to him looking up at him. "I'm sorry," I mumble quietly taking his hand in my mine and pulling his hand to my lips placing a soft kiss to his knuckles. Thor didn't say anything and tears rolled down his cheeks. I let go of his hands and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him to me as he cried. My fingers tangle in his hair and I place a soft shakey kiss to his temple.

"My prince," A meek voice spoke. We both looked to see a maid who looked plagued with sadness "Its time," I look at Thor placing my hands on his face wiping his cheeks free of tears and pulling his head down to kiss his forehead.

"It'll be okay, ástin mín," I mumble softly brushing his hair back and looking back to the maid with a sad smile. We made our way down, the crowds of people mourning for their queen brings sadness to the pits of my stomach. The boat with her body flows down the river, my eyes fill with unfallen tears. I lace my fingers with Thor's as we watch an arrow fly overhead and land onto the boat engulfing it easily with flames. Hundreds of arrows fly and Frigga's boat goes to the edge of the waterfall. Odin hits his staff onto the ground and the boat floats, silver shimmers float into the air and my tears fall and the boat falls. I exhale, squeezing Thor's hand. "Hail and farewell," I mumble quietly wrapping my other hand around Thor's bicep. Silver orbs float high as the nation says a final goodbye to their queen. A quiet sob breaks my lips as guilt crushes me but I purse my lips quickly knowing my tears were not needed, that I had no place. Not when Thor was grieving.

   I sat in the chambers assigned to me

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I sat in the chambers assigned to me. I cried quietly to my self hoping that if I let myself go in this moment that I could better hold myself together in front of Thor. I stared off into space as I wiped my face and tried to catch my breath. The funeral clothing I had worn still intact. My world started to turn red and a moving blob floated high over the balcony. I stare at it confused as I move toward it. "Clara Devondottier!" I heard someone yell and the world returns to its normal colors. "You need to come with me," I straightened the reddish fabric out and nod wordlessly following them. I sit in silence, Einherjar stood at attention. One came in bringing a platter "I'm not hungry," I barely look up but then I hear grunting.

"Good, let's go," Sif surprises me but I don't say anything and follow her. We walk down the halls of the palace quietly when I see Thor and Loki, next to Loki is a woman who glares down the hall at me. I glare at Loki and when I made it in front of him he starts to speak, most likely introducing himself but I cut him off quickly swinging my hand and his head snaps to the side. The white blonde woman glares harder.

"That was for New Mexico," I say when he turns his head to look at me again he opens his mouth but my other hand swings making contact with his other cheek and his head snaps the opposite direction "And that was for New York," I look back at Thor who seems smug and Sif who harbored a wide smile.

"I like her," Loki says after a beat of silence with a smug smile. I could hear the loud noises of guards approaching. I hear Sif tell Thor to go and Thor grabs my arm gently pulling him with me.

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