16. Since... New Mexico

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   "Jane this is a bad idea," I say as I watch her enter the empty sketchy building

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"Jane this is a bad idea," I say as I watch her enter the empty sketchy building. I know she contemplated what I said but still, her curiosity got the better of her. "Fine don't listen to the age-old witch. I don't know what I'm saying," I mumble she looked at me with an eye roll as we ventured further into the building.

"I am not getting stabbed in the name of science," Darcy says before noticing something and raising her hands and saying "It's okay we're Americans," I snort

"Speak for yourself," I say as Jane looks at Darcy and asks "Is that supposed to make them like us?" As she leans in closer to Darcy who looks at her. After she says that all the people in the building come out. A group of children, whispering about how we'd make it go away. I furrow my brows looking at Jane who looked at me with the same amount of wonder and confusion.

"Oh their kids," Jane says in slight relief

"Are you the police?" The brunette little girl asks

"No we're scientist, well I am..." Jane says Darcy mumbles a sarcastic thanks

"We just found it," Another voice says

"Can you show us?" I ask them and they look at each other before we follow them to where whatever they were talking about was. One of the children walks toward the large truck and pushes it up with two fingers causing it to float. My breath escapes me as I glance at my friends who look at me with equal shock.

"Have you ever seen anything like this?" Darcy mumbles to me and I shake my head staring at the float truck. "That doesn't seem right," She says slightly louder as the kids motion us to follow and we walk up a staircase. A boy drops a bottle and it falls, I wait for it to shatter but instead, it disappears.

"Where'd it go?" Jane asks as the little girl points upward and the bottle falls before going through the portal again and falling. It repeats this cycle before the kid who dropped it catches it. "That's incredible," Jane says before moving to pick up a can and dropping it. Only it didn't return. Jane's face scrunches in confusion "What happened?" Jane asks

"Some times they return, some times they don't," The little girl says

"I want to throw something, Jane, give me your shoe," Darcy quips amazed I snort though Jane wasn't listening as she picked up the device that gave her readings.

"I haven't seen readings like this since..." She pauses looking up at me "Since... New Mexico," She says as she pushes past Darcy yelling at her not to touch anything. Darcy gives me a cheeky smile as she runs away. I follow after her as the kids and Darcy continue to throw things and watch them return. As Jane's readings spike the wind picks up causing me to shiver. I follow her as she follows the readings.

"Jane..." I say knowing something good was not about to happen. We walk into a corridor and the wind picks up again. It almost felt witchy. Jane gets picked up by the wind causing me to grab her though whatever it was fought me. I whisper a spell that caused Jane's body to drop in slumber and the wind drops her but instead picks me up. I have no time to fight it as it sucks me up. I stand on a ledge the sounds of rocks dropping causing me to gasp. I look down and see darkness causing me to exhale sharply. "Darcy?" I yell wondering if they could hear me, though I knew they couldn't. "Shit..." I mumble as I hear a rumbling noise.

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