28. Is this a bad time?

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   Eira refused to leave her husbands side

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Eira refused to leave her husbands side. She wouldn't, Thor was confident she knew how to go home and we had to find and stop Malekith before it was too late. We walked the dark world, Thor took me into a cave where I finally spoke up about the vision. "He's going to unleash it. Not just on Asgard or on a star. He's going to destroy everything," I tell Thor

"How?" Thor questions his voice strained "Clara?"

"I saw him go to earth, why would he go to earth?" I rake my thoughts trying to fit the pieces to the puzzle together

"The convergence," Thor fits the final piece in and I look up at him with wide eyes

"Oh god," I mumble I pick up a rock "None of this would have happened had I not been so stupid," I scold myself I throw the rock angrily "If I would've just left the damn aether alone," I mumble picking up another rock and throwing it.

"Then Malekith would've only possessed it that much sooner," Thor starts I nod knowing he was right

"Well now we're trapped here," I say and Thor places a hand on my face. I could hear the sound of quiet music. I furrowed my brows looking at Thor.

"It's not me," He tells me, I roll my eyes and grab my phone remembering that I had brought it with me.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hi Clara, this is Richard," How Jane's date would've had my number I don't know.

"Richard? How- Where are you?" I ask moving away from Thor, he answers but I'm not listening as I try to find a way through the strength of the connection. "Is this a bad time?" He asks and I'm quick to tell him no "I quite enjoyed my lunch with Jane but now she's not answering my calls. Do you know how I can get ahold of her,"

"Yeah yeah yeah," I agree I continue looking around and see the can that Jane had dropped and a familiar pair of car keys. I smile looking at Thor "Come on!" I say

"Where are we going?" He asks and I can hear Richard through the phone say hello "Why are there so many shoes in here?" He asks and we exit through the portal. I smile and make my way to the familiar car. We get into it and I put the keys into the ignition. The car struggles to start but does nonetheless. "So whos Richard," I give Thor a side glance

"You serious right now?" I ask and we pull out.

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