18. Don't insult me

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   "Damn..." I mumble as we land coming out of the Bifrost "Hi..." I say to Heimdall who stares at me.

   "Welcome back to Asgard," He says and I nod awkwardly as Thor offers me an arm. "Lady Clara," I look at Heimdall who gold eyes stared through me "Would you like me to inform him of your arrival?" I look at Thor who looked confused as I sigh before whispering a hushed yes and taking Thor's arm. He led me to a room of healers who got to work quickly. They poked and prodded at me looking at holograms above me as I laid still. 

   "Who was Heimdall talking about?" Thor asked and I squeezed my eyes shut 

   "Thor... it's a long story. Can we talk about this when I don't have some mystical thing running through my veins?" I ask the tall blonde who debates my questions and agrees quietly. I listen to him quietly question a healer. I don't pay much mind to it but I do when Odin walks in the room, I catch a glimpse of golden blonde hair and my heart races. The healer notices with a furrowed brow as she looks at me. I shake my head as Odin speaks.

   "My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?" He questions his son and I roll my eyes. 

   "She's ill," Thor argues 

   "She's mortal," I scoff "Illness is their defining trait," He says glaring at me 

   "I am not mortal, don't insult me," I say squinting, Thor's eyes flicker to me as Odin basically growls. I roll my eyes again. "I don't get ill," I say 

   "I brought her here because we can help her," Thor says disregarding my comments 

   "She does not belong here in Asgard anymore than a goat belongs at a banquet table," Odin gruffly states

   "I tried to tell him," I say quietly as the two men argue further. "And please don't compare me to a goat," I say a little louder 

   "Guards take her back to Midgard!" He orders not responding to me as the guards move to grab me Thor tries to stop them. Just as they touch me another burst of red energy spikes and the guards are pushed back and I fall back onto the table once more dazed. Odin moves to me running his arm over mine mumbling softly to himself as he looks over my glowing veins. 

   "The infection... it's defending her..." The healer who was previously working on me says softly as Thor disagrees

   "No... it's defending itself," He says 

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