27. You fool

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   Thor runs and starts to beat down elves

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   Thor runs and starts to beat down elves. But one of the elves grabs their version of a bomb. Throwing it Loki's eyes widen. He pushes both Eira and I into the ground. I gasp as Eira scream for her husband. Thor crashes threw saving the both of them. I turn glaring at some elves. My fingers instinctively curl as I raise my hands. My power that had just returned surging, almost like it was angry at being suppressed. All of the elves in my line of sight paused and I twisted my wrist. Their heads snap and they fall. I turn seeing Eira shooting ice out of her hands and Loki stabbing some with a dagger. 

   Thor seethed as he fought with the creature that had had a direct hand in his mother's death. I turn back in time to see an elf barreling toward me. Putting my hands on its head and chanting. I watch as it convulses under my fingers and I drop it. I put my hands together and rip them apart clenching my fists more elves drop. I turn seeing the monster standing over Thor. My breath catches but Loki took a sword and stabbed it straight through the monster's body. The monster looked back at Loki before using the end of the sword and stabbing it clean through Loki's torso. Thor yells for his brother just as Eira lets out a strangled scream. Loki gets thrown to the ground. "See you in hell, monster," Loki says and the monster explodes, Loki had ignited a bomb that had been attached to the monster. I run toward the brothers as Loki struggles to breathe. 

   "You fool, you didn't listen," Thor says as he holds his brother 

   "I'm a fool, I'm a fool," Loki repeats Eira cries softly holding Loki's hand

   "Stay with me, okay?" Thor commands as Loki struggles I kneel down putting a shakey hand on his wound. I hoped that maybe just once I could save someone. Eira watches me carefully as does Thor. I chant under my breath, my voice rising octaves as I pushed deeper into my soul. Loki gasped but pushed my hand away shaking his head "Let her save you please brother," Thor begged but Loki wouldn't concede to allowing me to save him "Please," Thor begged 

   "I'm sorry," Loki says "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Loki repeats 

   "Shh... it's okay," Thor's voice broke as Eira's sobs and pleads got louder "It's alright," Thor assures him "I'll tell father what you did here today," Thor promises 

   "I didn't do it for him," Loki says finally and his eyes shift to Eira with a smile "I love you," He whispers and that was Eira's breaking point. Her white-blonde hair and glowing eyes shift. The blonde turns to a shade of honey brown and her eyes turn from a glowing icy blue to a warm brown. "My beautiful snowflake," He chokes his eyes closing and his final breath is exhaled.

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