09. It's my fault.

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   I had fallen asleep on the couch when I heard a knock at the door

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   I had fallen asleep on the couch when I heard a knock at the door. My body jolted into an upright position as I looked at the clock on the wall, 2:49 am, the clock read. I frowned pushing the blanket off of my body and walking toward the door wondering who could be here this late at night. I unlock the door as I smooth down my hair. The person behind the door was Thor. "Thor..." I say "What are you doing here?" I ask the tall blonde who smiles

   "Clara," He greets "May I come in?" He asks and I nod moving out of the way so he could enter.

   "Is something wrong?" I pause "I mean besides the obvious?" He frowns looking down.

   "My father's dead," I inwardly inhale. This couldn't be true. "Loki told me,"

   "How?" I ask sitting down next to Thor who looks at his folded hands in despair. I take one of his hands into my own. He looks up at me giving me a small half-smile before looking back at our joined hands.

   "It's my fault," I knaw on my cheek as he looks up at me again "My reckless actions caused his heart to give out. Now I've lost everything," He says "My home, my family, everything," He says I look at him and I notice his eyes are watering.

   "Thor its not your fault," I say "You made some mistakes, we all do. But Odin's death is not your fault," I say as I place a hand on his cheek causing him to look at me. "You never meant for any of this to happen," I shake my head as I look at him "Don't blame yourself for something you couldn't control," I use my thumb to wipe a few fallen tears from his cheeks. I watch him for a moment as everything seemed to move in slow motion. His lips met mine and I could taste the alcohol he must've consumed before he came over. I melted slightly into the kiss before I pushed him back.

   "I'm sorry," He mumbled I shake my head closing my eyes "I must have misinterpreted this,"

   "No... no, you didn't," I pause "It's just we can't do this. You just found out your father died, and I can't take advantage of that... I'm sorry," I say softly before sighing and he shakes his head standing up.

   "It's alright Lady Clara," He says with a small smile "I'll see you soon," I start to say his name but the door was already closed behind him. I frown turning around seeing Ava who gave me a small smile opening her arms and hugging me without words.

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