21. I believe you.

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   "Why didn't you tell me?" Thor asks his mouth curved into an upset frown

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   "Why didn't you tell me?" Thor asks his mouth curved into an upset frown. I nibble on my lip watching the people run by doing varies jobs for the castle. I look down to the ring on my right ring finger. I take it off, putting it into Thor's hand.

   "You see the 4 stones?" I ask looking at the 4 diamonds and he nods "I became a mother, 4 times in long life," I smile thinking of each of my children. "I had my first son, Knud. I got married again, this time to a Vanir. We had together 3 beautiful children," I sigh softly with remnants of a smile playing on my lips "I bore 1 daughter, Siri and two sons, Halvar and Endre. My husband was convinced that our children were going to be the best warriors the world would ever lay their eyes on. He trained our children day and night never let them slack," I frown "He grew power-hungry, trusted the wrong people and that cost me everything. My children were slaughtered, leaving my son as they believed him to be worthy of life, my husband followed soon thereafter,"

   "How did he-" He didn't finish when I cut him off

   "I killed him," I bluntly state "He cost me everything that was important to me, my children. My beautiful daughter, my righteous son. The only thing I believed to matter, gone, at the hands of their father and his mistress," I spit my skin felt like it was burning "I gave that man pain he'd never felt before. And from that moment on, I vowed never to have children again. I had 4 children, Thor, I was a mother of 4. All of them gone in a moments notice. Odin came down to Midgard having heard of my son's feats believing him to be an amazing warrior and wishing to take him to Asgard. I argued with my son but he wanted to change his father's name from the monster he was to something new. Something honorable so he left," I look up at the sky "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to see me differently," I look up at him "As damaged goods," I finish finally Thor didn't say anything put he placed his hands on my cheeks kissing my forehead hastily.

   "You should rest," He pauses taking my hand slipping the ring back onto my finger and I nod feeling the restlessness in the back of my head as he started to guide me into the palace only to stop short in front of Frigga. I pull away as Frigga's eyes flick over me with a smile playing over her lips and her eyes glimmer knowingly. "Mother," he greets Frigga and her smile widens as she ripped her gaze from me to her son. "Clara, this is my mother. Queen Frigga of Asgard," He introduces her with her title.

   "Lady Clara," She greets

   "Queen Frigga," I reply, I had always liked Frigga. She was a separate entity from her husband. She was kind, loving, and an amazing queen to her people. It's no wonder Thor turned out as well rounded as he is. I could hear some sort of commotion taking the quiet and calm moment into confusion. We look over in the direction of the commotion. Thor's hand had migrated to the small of my back as his eyebrows crease.

   "The prisons," Frigga says calmly

   "Loki," Thor states worry filling his voice

   "Go, I'll stay with her," Frigga offers and Thor looks at me in reassurance and I nod giving him a tight-lipped smile and he ran off leaving me in Frigga's company.

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