12. Now you make a plan?

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   The relief was short-lived though

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   The relief was short-lived though. The destroyer powers up turning its body to look up at Sif. She just manages to move out of its way as it fires at her. I move forward with my hands up in defensive positions grabbing Sif and pulling her back as the Warrior three do the same thing. Sif yells at us to move back as the destroyer stands to its full height. It fires its self up and shots causing both Sif and I to lose our footing. I groan as it fires again, we fly back and I groan as I hit a shop wall. I could taste blood on my tongue from the wound that had appeared on my lip. I grab Sif and try to stand again. Sif and I peek over the side of a car looking at the destroyer. 

   "This is bad," I mumble and Sif nods slightly. Thor runs toward us.

   "Sif! Clara!" I hear Thor say over the slight ringing in my ear. His hands-on my shoulders. "You've done all you can!" He says and I shake my head at him and Sif mimics my actions.

   "No, I will die a warriors death," She says "Stories will be told of this day," Thor places a hand on Sif's face

   "You will live to tell those stories yourself," He tells his friend who closes her eyes. I put my hand over the one of his that was still resting on my shoulders. "Now go!" He says 

   "I'm not leaving you," I say shaking my head as I gulped harshly "I won't," He smiles softly pulling me out of the way as the destroyer lights up the pavement and the car we had hid behind goes flying. I trip landing on the ground and groaning. I stand and Thor pulls me with him to tell his friends to leave. 

   "What about you?" Fandral asks 

   "Do not worry my friend I have a plan," 

   "Now you make a plan?" I ask though it came out hoarse and muttered. He chuckles softly placing a kiss to my temple and leaving me by the coffee shop. I try to gather my bearings as I watch him approach the destroyer. Worry grows in the pits of my stomach. I watch him look down at the shield before dropping it on the ground. "No!" I yell but he ignores me. My friends and Thor's stop to watch what was happening. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I knew what he was doing. I watch as the destroyer lights up readying to fire. My breath hitches as the destroyer turns it back on the blonde god. I exhale softly when suddenly it turns and backhands Thor. 

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