08. Clara?

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   I curse under my breath, disappointment running through my veins as I pull out my phone dialing it to call Erik

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I curse under my breath, disappointment running through my veins as I pull out my phone dialing it to call Erik. "Clara?" Erik's voice picks up, the confused twinge making me sigh. "Is something wrong?" He asks

"It's Thor, I need your help," He huffs confused as I explain what was needed. He starts to protest but I argue that we couldn't just leave him at this base. Who knows what they'd do to him. He groans before agreeing. I cast one last glance as I watch them arrest Thor before I got back into the car and pulled away knowing he'd be safe soon enough.

I got home running a hand through my damp hair and leaning my head on the door. "Clara?" Alexios' voice rang as I threw Ava's keys onto the table. I hum looking at her "What happened,"

"Odin," I answer curtly "We went to go pick up Thor's hammer but Odin charmed it. Thor is no longer worthy of the hammer," I say softly she sighs shaking her head.

"I'll go put on some tea, why don't you go take a shower before you catch your death," She tells me and I sigh nodding and heading up the stairs and into my bathroom. My phone rings and I was quick to answer it.

"Hello?" I answer bringing my hands to my lips

"Clara," Erik's voice responds "I've gotten Thor, he's fine," I exhale softly nodding

"Thank you, Erik," I say and he hums mumbling a goodbye which I respond to curtly as I set my phone down onto the sink looking into the mirror seeing my washed-out face from the rain and turning on the water to the shower. I shower and get dressed walking downstairs to see Alexios sitting on the couch. She gestures to two cups and I pick one up and sit next to her. "Spit it out Alex," I tell her knowing she was holding something in.

"You seem worried," She says I raise an eyebrow "You never get worried,"

"I get worried," I say

"Not about Odin or his family, not since-" She stops when she sees my look "You care about him," I shake my head

"I barely know him," I argue

"But you know he's different," She says quickly "You feel it, you've grown to care for the Asgardian, admit it," I think about her words

"Maybe I care a little bit, but it's not like it matters. He'll be gone soon, back to Asgard and then we won't have to worry about it anymore," She doesn't say anything but I could see by the look on her face that she didn't believe me. I sigh softly drinking my tea and pondering her words. Thor was different, whether that was a good or bad thing I don't know.

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