30. We're out of time

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   Jane finally got the device to work as we were surrounded by elves

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Jane finally got the device to work as we were surrounded by elves. Only Ian and Darcy were dropped. I tilt my head not realizing they had been into each other romantically, seeing as they were making out. "Darcy?" Jane asked confused

"Jane! Clara!" Darcy drops Ian who lands with a thud

"Ian?" Erik says

"Selvig!" Ian responds as Thor's hammer flies overhead

"Mew Mew!" Darcy says as it moves fast over our heads.

"Shit," I mumble knowing the seven minutes was very close to being up. "We're out of time," I say running off the steps of the building hearing both Jane and Erik following after me. I ignore them running toward the ship. Darkness flows through the worlds. "Thor!" I yell and he turns to look at me I stop next to him staring up at the angry black and red.

"We're too late," Erik mumbles "The convergence is at its peak,"

"Can those things stop him?" Thor inquires looking at Erik.

"Not from here," Erik answers

"We can't get close enough," Jane adds

"I can," Thor takes the device and I start to protest

"Thor no it can get you killed!" I say but Thor takes off disregarding my comments and I watch helplessly. Jane twists the dial on the device every time it beeps. Finally after 3 beats the red and black disappear. I exhale and take off to find Thor. I find him lying face down in the grass. I look up seeing the ship combust. "Thor!" I yell running toward him and trying to get him to move. When I can't get him to move I cover his body with mine and snap my eyes shut waiting for the impact that never happened. When I peak my eyes open to see the ship gone.

"Everybody okay?" Erik yells I don't respond instead I put my hands on Thor's face and lean down placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

   Sometime later Thor left to return to Asgard and finish whatever duties he has left

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Sometime later Thor left to return to Asgard and finish whatever duties he has left. I ate cereal quietly and could feel the eyes of my friends on me. I look up and Darcy starts to speak "He'll come back," Darcy promises "Only you know... last time he was gone for like two years..." She trails off

"It's only been two days..." I say reassuring myself of his return.

"Did he say anything before he left?" Erik asks and I nod

"He had some stuff to figure out with his father and stuff..." I answer looking over to Erik "He kinda committed treason on... our way out..." I pause realizing he might not come back soon. I go back to shoving food into my mouth as everyone returned to the silence.

I sat struggling to finish my cereal when I could feel the static in my veins. I smile wide at the cracks of thunder and rise from my seat. As I make it outside. I run straight into Thor's arms, we waste no time connecting our lips in a feverish kiss. One of Thor's hands was resting on my hip, I could feel the hammer's handle pushing into the skin on my hip and his other was tangled in my hair, both my hands rested in the crook between his neck and shoulder. I pulled away putting my head into his chest and sighing softly. "I love you," I mumble and I feel his lips kiss the crown of my head. And I smile, this was the best feeling in the world.

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