06. Mjolnir?

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   As I walk out of the diner I could feel the magic tingle from my fingers as I got closer to the 'satellite'

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As I walk out of the diner I could feel the magic tingle from my fingers as I got closer to the 'satellite'. I felt someone grab my arm, I lifted my tingling fingers and clench them in a fist. I hear the pained grunts when I caught sight of the silvery blonde hair I dropped my fist. "I'm so sorry," I say Thor looks up at me through his eyelashes with a slight smile on his lips.

"You're a sorceress," He said

"Witch, but close enough," I say helping the taller man up to a stand. "What are you doing out here? I thought you were going to stay with Jane?" Thor brushes his hair from his face as he smiles at me.

"I was, but you seemed distressed, I couldn't let a young maiden leave distressed," I huff rolling my eyes

"I'm not young or distressed," I tell him he laughs a wide smile crosses his face.

"Yes of course not," I couldn't help but let a smile lift onto my lips softly. "But what is on your mind,"

"That satellite, I don't think it is a satellite," I tell the taller blonde who squints in confusion, "I think it's your hammer," Thor looks surprised.


"No, Thor, Jonathan, yes Mjolnir," I tell him sarcastically he laughs at my sarcasm looking down to the dirt before back at me. "We have to retrieve it," I tell him. Thor nods in agreement.

"Lead the way," I bite my lip before walking in the direction of my home. I pull my keys from my jacket pocket and unlock the door. Ava was sat on the couch writing in her grimoire she looks up and drops her pen in shock.

"Thor...You brought Thor..." She says her eyes widened I sigh looking at Thor who smirked: "Why?"

"His hammer, it's out in the open. We need to get it back before it attracts the wrong attention. So can we take your car?" I ask Ava who looks between Thor and me before smirking at me and nodding. I smile at her and she passes me her keys and winking. I roll my eyes at the brunette and she smiles with one last glance at the god behind me.

   While in the car my phone rings, I sigh pulling out my phone looking at the caller id seeing Jane's name

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While in the car my phone rings, I sigh pulling out my phone looking at the caller id seeing Jane's name. I furrow my brows wondering what she could want. Answering the phone to Jane's frantic voice. "They took everything, Clara, everything. My life's work all gone in minutes,"

"Jane..." I try but she keeps going in a panic "Jane, calm down," She doesn't listen though ask she rants "Jane, who took everything?" I ask the scientist

"I don't know, some government agency, they took all of my research. Everything," I hear Darcy mention her iPod in the background. I look at Thor with a worried look.

"Jane, I'll fix this okay?" I ask she doesn't get much of a response out of me as I hang up the phone.

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