23. I'm impressed

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   We meet up with Volstagg who stood in front of a large ship, a dark elf ship

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   We meet up with Volstagg who stood in front of a large ship, a dark elf ship. "I'll hold them off as long as I can," Volstagg promises and I give him a weak smile as Thor thanks him. Thor guides me onto the ship as Volstagg stops Loki to threaten him much like Sif had and the white-haired woman rolls her glowing eyes following closely behind Loki.

   "Who is the blonde?" I ask Thor looking back at her Thor follows my gaze momentarily before looking back at me

   "Eira, Loki's wife. She normally doesn't look so... icy," He responds I nod not really expecting that answer. I also wonder what she normally looked like if the glowing blue and white blonde wasn't her normal look. Thor walks up to the console of the ship pressing random buttons.

   "I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing?" Loki smugly points out

   "I said how hard could it be," Thor doesn't turn to face his brother as he starts pressing buttons more frantically.

   "Well whatever your doing brother, I suggest doing it faster," Loki points out, I roll my eyes

   "Shut up Loki," Thor presses harder

   "You must have missed something," Loki looks over the controls

   "No, I didn't. I'm pressing every button on this thing," Thor speaks getting progressively more annoyed

   "Then don't hit it, press it gently,"

   "I am pressing it gently, it's not working," Thor says hitting the control

   "Oh dear god move," I say putting both hands onto the console mumbling quiet words with the limited magic I have. The ship bursts to life and I take a step back tiredly. Thor makes a happy noise lifting the ship up. The ship hits multiple columns knocking them to the ground.

   "I think you missed a column," Loki comments teasingly

   "Shut up," Thor says quickly Thor moves fast and I wobble, the ground feeling as if it was disappearing from under me.

   "Look why don't you let me take over, I'm clearly the better pilot," Eira is seated in a far corner looking at her nails though the cuffs around her wrists bind her from moving her arms freely.

   "Is that right? Out of the two of us which one can actually fly," I roll my eyes putting my hands over my face. The wooziness takes over and I fall to the floor with a thud.

   "Oh dear? Is she dead?" Loki asks feigning worry as I lay there, my head pounding painfully.

   "Clara?" Thor calls my name I lift a shaky hand up.

   "I'm okay," I mumble keeping my eyes closed and putting my hand up to wave Thor off. I feel the vibrations of the ship crashes against the stone. I frown softly but don't move to sit up.

   "Not a word," Thor says the ship vibrate violently

   "Now they're following us," Loki states the obvious and the ship rumbles "Now they're firing at us," His voice rises a few octaves.

   "Yeah thank you for the commentary Loki, it's not at all distracting!" Thor yells in normal circumstances I'd laugh but I was too weak to react. I groan softly as my head thumped, angry at the loud noises.

   "Well done..." Loki starts "You just decapitated your grandfather," the humor drips from his tongue "You know this wonderful, let's steal the biggest and most obvious ship in the universe and escape in that. Flying around the city and smashing into everything in sight so everyone can see us. It's brilliant Thor, it's truly brilliant," I open my eyes and look as Thor pushes Loki out of the ship. Eira stands and looks out of the doorway. She turns back to start yelling but doesn't get a chance as Thor pushes her out. Eira's scream mirrors Loki's. Thor rounds the console and picks me up. I groan leaning my head into his chest, my fingers gripping onto his armor tightly. I whimper and Thor grips me tighter, his finger dig into my thigh though it doesn't hurt. I feel the wind hits my face in wisps and my body jolts as Thor lands onto another ship.

   "I see your time in the dungeons have made you no less graceful Loki," Fandral teases

   "You lied to me," Loki comments a surprised smile on his lips. Eira brushes her hair from her face. "I'm impressed," Thor laid me onto the floor of the ship. He places his hand on my hip as he looks over at me. I give him a weak smile and place a hand over my face.

   "I'm glad you're pleased," Thor stands his full height "Now, do as you promised and take us to your secret passageway," Thor's voice leaves no room for arguing and he looks up at his brother. I could hear the whirling of the ship and Thor speaking to Fandral. Moments past and Thor yells "Loki!"

   "If it were easy," Loki starts and his wife who looked excitedly

   "Everyone would do it," Eira chirps with a wide smile.

   "Are you mad?" The worry lining Thor's voice. I feel his hands come over my arm.

   "Possibly," Loki answers I feel the ship struggling to move. I groan pushing my body to sit up. Thor doesn't let me get further and I lean my body into his. My head hangs into his chest. I sigh blinking trying to open my eyes softly. "Ta-da!" Loki says waving his hands sarcastically.

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