24. Trust my rage

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   Thor moved me to lie down, my head leaning on his lap as I moved into falling asleep

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Thor moved me to lie down, my head leaning on his lap as I moved into falling asleep. "What I could do with the power that flows through the veins," I hear Loki say and I could feel Thor's finger threading into my hair softly. I ignore Loki's comments.

"It would consume you," Thor comments

"She holding up all right," Eira pointedly speaks I could feel eyes on my back but I ignore them.

"For now," Loki's voice almost sounds taunting and I shift uncomfortably.

"She is strong in ways you will never even know," Thor remarks, the frown inside his voice softly. I listen though it was hard to concentrate.

"Say goodbye," Loki whispers

"Not this day," He says

"This day, the next, a hundred years. It's nothing," Loki expresses. In his voice was almost... worry? Maybe fear for his brother. I breathe in adjusting my body. Thor's hands move back before adjusting them again on my body. "It's a heartbeat, you'll never be ready. The only woman whos love you've prized is dying slowly. Her heartbeat slowing in her chest as it consumes her," I know Loki is right but hearing him say it causes my heart to jump to my throat. My growing weakness worries me, my life dripping between my fingers and Thor's fearful look in his eyes that grew steadily.

"Would it satisfy you?" Thor's voice raises

"Satisfaction is not in my nature," Loki claims

"Surrender is not in mine," His voice gruff and he pushes a strand of my blonde hair from my face.

"The son of Odin..." Loki taunts quietly

"No!" Thor yells "Not just of Odin," Thor's hand moves and his weight moves and I could tell he had stood. "You think you alone loved Mother? You had her tricks but I had her trust,"

"Trust?" Loki's voice carries anger rolling over every letter "Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die," The way Loki pronounced the word die was dark full and angry.

"What help were you in your cell?" Thor asks at this I pulled my body up. Eira watched the two apprehensively and I tried to hold my weight up.

"Who put me there?" Loki's voice shakes before he yells "Who put me there?" His voice loud and angry and Thor pushes him against the handle of the ship.

"You know damn well who, you know damn well who!" Thor yells raising his fist. I put my hand on his arm giving Thor a look Thor's nostrils flare. In my weak state, I breathed hard. Thor's eyes soften and I look at Loki who watches intently Eira stood closer to us glaring at Thor on of her hands on Loki's arm almost as if she was going to rip him from Thor's grasp. "She wouldn't want us to fight," Thor concedes backing away from Loki

"Well she wouldn't exactly be shocked," Loki's mischievous smile returned and Eira calms down a bit.

"I wish I could trust you," Thor tilts his head a small smile playing on his lips

"Trust my rage," All hints of a smile left Loki's lips and they return to silence.

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