20. Promise me

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   I stood with Thor as he led me outside

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I stood with Thor as he led me outside. The sun was bright and shining on my skin and caused me to close my eyes as I basked in the welcome warmth. I sighed leaning on Thor's arm as we walked. I looked up at the god who was looking off in the distance with a small smile as his other hand covered mine comfortably. "Thor..." I utter glumly he looks down at me with a hum. "I'm going to die," As soon as I say those words he protests "Thor... Thor listen," he quiets down "This Aether, it will kill me if we don't find a way to get rid of it. And when-" He cuts me off

"If..." He corrects me and I roll my eyes.

"If I die, I want you to find someone. Anyone, make amends with your brother. Do all the things you want to do and don't waste a day," I demand softly and I place my hand on his cheek "Promise me," I whisper through teary eyes and he looks away from me, his eyes teary too. "Promise me, Thor,"

"I promise," I exhale giving him a shaky smile and I give him a soft kiss on the cheek. Thor shakes his head and places both hands on either side of my face and kisses me. I respond quickly by covering his hands with mine. When we pull away I lean my head against his chest and exhale.

"Mother," I jumped away from Thor and I turned to look to see the shining golden hair. My heart stopped as I saw the brown and blue eyes. His eyes were filled with tears much like mine. I took steps toward him gauging how he felt. I smile softly placing my hand on his cheek.

"My son," I say pulling him to me in a tight hug. "My beautiful boy," My voice shaky as I spoke "I've missed you so much," I say softly when I move back I look at Thor who looks confused at the revelation. "Thor, this is my son, Halvar," I introduce

"I thought... I thought he died," Thor fumbles

"My firstborn died. Halvar was born to me 400 years ago," I explain softly "He grew up to be powerful in not only witchcraft but swordsmanship. Odin took him in to be one of Asgards greatest,"

"And I will be," Halvar promises

"I have no doubt about it, my boy," I say giving him a smile as I pushed his hair from his eyes "Embla? How is she?" I ask Halvar who smiled and blushed thinking of the tiny redhead. I chuckle lightly.

"Embla is good mother, she is with child," I beam excitedly hugging him

"Oh that is great news, please give her my regards. I fear I do not have long here on Asgard," I tell him with a frown and he frowns as well and his eyebrows knit together.

"Why are you here on Asgard?" I sigh looking back at Thor who watched with furrowed brows.

"It's a long story, remember the stories I told you as a child?" I look at him expectantly and he nods "The Aether from the stories, I found it," He looks surprised "Only now it's inside me, my connection to my magic is weakening and I worry I don't have much more time," I place my hand on his shoulder Halvar opens his mouth and I shake my head "I have lived 10 lifetimes, if it is my time I will go. You have a wife and child on the way. I couldn't be happier with the way my life has gone," I say looking through my glass eyes at him and back at Thor. "Now Halvar, don't you have some duties to fulfill?" I ask and he looks away from me before nodding "Go my boy, I will be here later," I promise, giving him a small smile of reassurance

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