03. You didn't even bring me coffee

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   We brought Thor to the hospital

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   We brought Thor to the hospital. They took him back and we stood at the nurse's station where a slow typing nurse tried taking down our information. "Name?" She asks I hum

   "He said it was Thor," She types out the 4 letter name while saying each letter out. I rolled my eyes at her.

   "Relation to the patient?"

   "We just met him, she hit him with her van," I throw the scientist under the bus. Jane looks at me her eyes wide as she tries to explain what had happened.

   "I barely grazed him," Jane defensively explained. I snort as Jane glares at me. "She tasered him," Jane says pointing at Darcy

   "Yes I did," Darcy says proudly.

   "That must've been quite a spat,"

   "Well she told you, we don't know him, we just wanted to make sure he's okay," Jane says I nod at the nurse.

   "I'll need a contact name and number,"

   "Clara Devondottier," The nurse looks up at me

   "How do you-" I sigh pulling out a small business card for the business I owned and handing it to her. She looks down at the card and starts typing as slow as she could. I sigh looking at my group of friends who all nodded as we left the hospital leaving the Asgardian behind.

   Jane had dropped me off in front of my home

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   Jane had dropped me off in front of my home. I enter the large home, calling for my friends. Alexios and Ava come out of different areas of our home. "Guess whos on Earth," Alexios smiles at me looking toward Alexios. "Thor Odinson,"

   "Why?" I shrug putting my jacket onto the coat hanger

   "He wasn't awake long enough for me to talk to him," I say Alexios' smile drops as she looks at me.

   "What do you mean?"

   "Jane hit him with her van, then Darcy tasered him," Ava snorts

   "I knew I liked Darcy," I shake my head at the younger witch who poked her tongue at me.

   "Do you think Thor knows about her?" I look at Alexios knowing who she was talking about.

   "I doubt Odin would've told his sons about her," I say "he was always big-headed," I remark annoyed thinking about the older man. I sighed "I'm gonna go to sleep, it's been a long night," I say walking away from the two other witches. I hear a noise that sounded like someone slapping someone and Alexios yelp as Ava scolded her.

   I woke up to the sound of beeping outside of my house

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   I woke up to the sound of beeping outside of my house. With a loud groan, I rolled out of bed flatting my hair on her head as I walked down the stairs and look out the window to see Jane's van parked in front of my house. I didn't change before nap so I was dressed. I open the door as Jane rolled down her windows. "Hospital! Get in we have to go to the hospital," She yells out her window. I furrow my eyebrows grabbing my shoes from the door way and running out and getting into the van allowing Jane to explain why we needed to go to the hospital.

   "So you woke me up from my wonderful sleep because you think Thor was in whatever that thing was from last night?" I say rubbing my face "And you didn't even bring me coffee?" I hear Darcy mumble an oh.

   "Jane told me to give this to you," Darcy says with a smile apologetic smile. I take the cup mumbling a thank you.

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