07. That's it?

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   "So why do you believe me?" Thor asks as we got into the car

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   "So why do you believe me?" Thor asks as we got into the car. I place the keys in the ignition and turn it before looking at him.

  "I've been on this earth for more than 1000 years, I lost my child to frost giants. I no more than anybody in this world knows the power of Asgard. It where I got my power for the first 100 years of my life," I explain Thor's eyebrows furrow as he thinks about what I had just finished saying. He looks at me for a moment before smiling softly. I smile as I make a turn the mountains coming into view.

   "How long have you been practicing magic?" He asked after a moment of silence.

   "About 1020 years," I say "I stopped practicing when I was 15, though I never truly stopped. Frost giants attacked my village when I was 16," I trailed off "I used my magic to kill the giants," We sit in silence for a few minutes "So what's your plan?" I ask 

   "To get my hammer," I look at him my eyes wide 

   "That's it?" I ask 

   "That and get Lady Foster's stuff back," I open my mouth but he closes the door. I sigh getting out of the car following him. 

   "Thor that can't be your whole plan," I say as I lower myself to the ground looking at the military base "Look what's out there, we can't just waltz in and grab it," I say gesturing to the large tent that had been put up around the hammer. My veins tingle as I could feel the magic radiating off the hammer. 

   "No we can't, but I can," He says and stands heading for the tent. I whisper yell his name before huffing and swearing under my breath to watch the madness unfold. Thunder and lightning cracked, my heart starts to pound as I watch him fight his way closer. I watch him take down men in the masses, the parallels to his father shocking me. He takes the poncho from one of the men and looks at me. I nod softly and he returns it running off to get closer. Loud alarms blare as they recognized the breach in their perimeter. I watch as he enters the large tubing of a tent. I could feel someone approach and I turned seeing one of the men. I rolled my eyes mumbling a small spell watching as he falls like a sack of potatoes, sleeping before turning my attention back to the tent waiting for Thor to emerge with his hammer. 

   Minutes pass of tense silence when I see two men drop from the tent, Thor is one of them. I watch as they roll in the mud the man locking Thor in a chokehold. Thor throws his elbow back into the man. I scrunch my face up imagining the man's ribs cracking under the blows. Thor gets on top of him but the man throws him off and they roll over. Thor jumping up and bucking him down. I bit my lips as I watched the man try to stand but Thor having the upper hand lands a final kick and the man went down for good. 

   Thor stumbles to his hammer, my breath catches with anticipation. He rips the plastic from the metal tent and walks toward the hammer. I chew on my lip as I bring my hands to my face and watch waiting to see the outcome. He wraps his hand around the handle but something was wrong. Nothing happens as he pulls. He tries again but nothing, Thor Odinson was no longer worthy.  

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