05. Thor no-

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   We decided to take Thor to the diner to get food

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We decided to take Thor to the diner to get food. Jane sat with her journal reading over her notes and I sat quietly eating the food in front of me. Thor shoveled food into his mouth. I listened to Jane try and ask Thor questions about the bifrost though he wasn't offering many answers.

"How can you eat an entire box of pop tarts and still be this hungry?" Thor picks up the cup of coffee, he stares into the empty glass, having finished the drink. I could see wheels turning in his brain. I open my mouth as he raises the glass above his head.

"This drink I like it, another!"

"Thor no-" It was too late and the mug was thrown onto the floor, I sighed placing my head in my hands before looking up at the blonde Asgardian "You can't do that, you want another one you ask," I scold him

"I meant no disrespect," I hum

"I know just, don't do that again please," I asked he gave me his puppy dog smile and mumbled an apology. I return the sweet smile and return to eating as Isabelle comes over to clean up the glass shards. I apologize to the lovely women, Thor also apologizes. I look over at Jane who gives me the look with a small smirk. I roll my eyes at the brunette who returns to her notes. A group of loud men entered the diner sitting at the counter indulging in a loud conversation with Isabelle who was throwing the glass into the dust bin. They spoke about some excitement that was taking place. Something about a satellite, my eyes widen.

"Excuse me, did you say something about a satellite crash?" Jane asks the men who turn around to look at us.

"Yeah," One of the men answers. I grab my cup putting it up to my lips as I took in nervous sips. Darcy tells Thor to smile but my nerves got the better of me.

"Hey Jane, I've got to go. Meet you guys back at your house?" I ask her, her eyebrows furrow but she nods nonetheless. I give Thor a final smile before I stood and left the bustling diner.

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