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                   I tapped my fingers impaitntly on the table waiting for Coran to give us are next mission. Hunk was in the kitchen trying to make lunch, Keith was in the training room with Shiro, and Allura was fixing some stuff up. Pidge was the only one that wasn't doing anything. She was laying on the floor, doodling on her notepad. Her caramel colored hair was ruffled around and her glasses were sliding off her face. "Hey Pidge" I said, flopping backwards on the couch. "What Lance" Pidge replied sarcastically. "I'm bored" I said trying to burry myself into the sofa." I'll admit ,I'm bored too" she said rolling onto her back. "Do you want to go exploring" I asked.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pidge's eyes lit up, "Ya, there's a planet nearby" she said quickly standing up. I unburied myself and followed Pidge into the control room. "There", she said pointing to a orange planet that had a few red dots on it. "Come on" she said pulling me by the sleeve of my jacket. We dashed past the training room and down to the hangers. "Wait", I said " What about are suits". Pidge stopped and turned around her hazel eyes were wild with excitement.  "Good idea" she said. We ran to are rooms and got dressed in are suits. I was the first one done so I waited in front of Pidge's room. She ran out, grabbed me again, then we both took off to the lions. I slid into the blue lions soft, leathery seat, then took off.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The green lion was already halfway to the planet, so I had to speed up. When we reached the planet we slowed down so we could enter the atmosphere. We set the lions down in a lush ,green, forest that overlooked a city. "Wow" Pidge said when we exited the lions, "It's beautiful". I looked over the horizon and saw the light of the city glowing, there was a bunch of flowers that covered the hills, and it looked like the sun was rising, but in the west. I started to walk down the hill but Pidge caught my arm. "Wait" she said " What if the people there are hostile". She glanced nervously at the city that glowed in the distance. "I'm sure there fine" I said. We continued down the side of a hill that Pidge decided to roll down. She landed in a small patch of flowers down below. She giggled and snorted, I laughed, because well ,why not. 

                           It was only a few weeks ago that I found out that Pidge was a girl, and I have to admit I have had a crush on her. What's not to love about her, she's beautiful and funny and just amazing to be with. I didn't  tell her that I liked her which I feel guilty about, but what if she doesn't like me, It would be embarrassing. What if she liked me, what would the other paladins think. The questions made my head hurt. Pidge and I reached the city and to be honest I think Pidge blew her mind. The whole city was high-tech and the buildings were like skyscrapers but taller and more advance.

                          The only weird thing about the place was that no one was there. The streets were empty and the air was quiet. The whole thing sent a shiver up my spine and made my stomach tie itself into a knot. We walked down the empty streets and across the road. "Were is everyone?" I asked Pidge. "I don't know" ,Pidge replied scanning the tall buildings, "But, I'm pretty sure it was the Galra". Anger bubbled in my veins, I hated the Galra. "Why would they abandon this place?" I asked. Pidge shook her head , then showed me an image of the planets core. "Because this place is going to explode in a couple of days" she said, "They must've evacuated the city a few days ago". I turned right down an alley, which is not the best way to go, but something told me someone or something was still here.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A small door was at the end of the alley, it had a copper frame and a silver knob. "Lance" Pidge said nervously. I ignored her, I continued to head for the door. I took ahold of the knob, my hand trembling but I managed to turn it. Alarms were set off and the end of the alley closed, trapping me and Pidge in. The ground shook beneath us and the knob began to heat up. I pulled my hand away, but a small flap opened and sent out a green gas. Pidge collapsed and I struggled to keep conscious. I fell forwards hitting my head on the wall of the alley, but no pain arose. The last thing I heard was a door opening , then I blacked out.        

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