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                     Was the universe suppose to be yellow? And does everything need to spin? My stomach won't stop churning and yellow spots danced in my eyes. How long was i out, A couple of hours? an day? a week? i don't know but my head hurt very bad.

                I scanned my surroundings, nothing but trees and other shrubbery for miles and miles. I rubbed the back of my neck and felt the large cut grazing across my forehead. I walked out of my lion and lied down in the grass, letting the orange sun warm my insides.

            I knew that I wouldn't be able the contact the others, the signal was lost when I entered that portal. I'm stupid. Why would I go through a random portal that lead to who knows where?! Pidge would laugh at me right now if she could.

               I started crying for no reason. The hot tears ran down my scratched cheeks, I want to pretend that none of this happened, I didn't go to the Garrison, I didn't find the blue lion, I just stayed the same dumb boy from Cuba.

              No what am I saying?! I'm glad I joined the Garrison I met Hunk and idolized Shiro, I'm proud that I found the blue lion, I found people who love me for who I am. I found friends, I found a family, I found the girl of my dreams. I found hope.  

              I picked myself off the ground. No use to lie there and cry. The air smelt of honey and lavender kinda similar to Pidge's smell accept she smelled like coffee and honey. Pidge, Katie, Pidge, Katie, to confusing if you ask me. 

               Suddenly a pair of strong arms pinned me to the ground. I yelped and shoved into who ever it was chest. Two yellow eyes stared back at me, those eyes were attached to Shay, a balamrian we met a few months ago.

                 "Shay?!" I stammered. She grinned and pulled me into a hug. "Thank the stars it's only you Lance" she said, "How are you? What are you doing here? Is Hunk alright? Does he ask about me? How are the others?"

               "One question at a time" I complained, "And where exactly is here?" "This is Revdel, it's a very pretty planet. My family and I are here to visit my cousins" Shay said. "Wait Revdel?!" I asked smiling. Shay nodded, I whooped then remembered my bruised head. "Oh my, your hurt!!" Shay cried scooping me up into her arms.

                       "Shay, seriously I'm fine, just a little cut" I said gesturing to my head. Shay shook her head, "No exceptions, I'm fixing you up then you are telling me everything that happened". And with that final word, she carried me off to her cave in the depths of the forest.

           Heller sorry that I haven't posted anything in a long time. I've been busy trying to get everything straight with my school crap. Anyway hope you enjoy!!! :)   

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