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Heller peeps, so many people have asked me to do a Q&A and I decided before I publish the next chapter of this book that I will do this....

                    OKAY, to get things started I decided with the help of all of you that Pidge and Lance's kids are twins and there names are Noah and Rose. I'll get more into them later for now lets get these questions done...

Q: Who are some of your friends?              

A: Well... my two best friends are Lilli and Marissa, I've got a load of friends at school including my buddy Audrey who always makes me laugh, J.S. who never fails at being a goofball, Shane and Riley the wise people, Suki the really happy one, and tons of others

Q: Are you going to continue the Voltron witch AU?

A: I'm so glad to here that people  are reading that AU, I actually was thinking about finishing that one and making it into a series. 

Q: Fav color?

A: Green is my favorite color cause it reminds me of plants and nature

Q: Are you straight?

A: NOPE. I'm Pansexual and proud of it!

Q: Favorite song?

A: Migraine by Twenty One Piolets

Q: Favorite drinks?

A: my favorite drink is definitely  coffee but I sure do love coconut water and LEMONADE!!

Q: Where do you want to visit?

A: I really want to go to Japan and see the entire city of Tokyo, plus I want to get a look at all the anima

      Final Question: Ramble about yourself

                   Well... My name is Shaleigh (Shay-lee) but everyone calls me Shay. My birthday is November 2nd, I have two crazy sisters that drive me insane and a half sister who is sweet as can be, my 18 year old half brother who has my nephew who is precious. Coffee is how I run my life without it I would be dead, my friends keep me distracted from my depression. I have anxiety which causes me to panic very easily. when I'm excited I start flapping and waving my hands. I love Voltron, Hamilton,   My hero academia, the office, harry potter, Percy Jackson  and so many other things that I wish I could say. 


    I thank all of you for the thousands of readers that like my books and I hope I can continue to make you pleased. :) Have a good day ya'll

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