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                                So... Allura decided that she wanted to throw a party for me and Katie. I've been to tired  to even listen to her. Until tonight, when Keith was helping me with my suit, did I realize that I really didn't want to go. I love parties but I am not up for it right now. I had on a black suit with a baby blue tie, Keith was in a grey suit with a red tie.  We walked down the castle's stairs and were immediately surrounded by aliens.

                        Katie walked up to me and smiled. She looked gorgeous, a puffy green dress with blue trim. Flowers decorated her hair, blue ones mixed with purple coloring. I grinned and kissed her forehead, Keith snickered behind me. We wondered around the variety of people, talking and chatting with everyone till I was pulled away by a group of teenage boys. 

                   One of the boys had a sluggish grin as he slumped against the side of the wall, the others were drinking like their lives depended on it. "Sooo Lancy" one of them said, "What's it like marrying a freak?" I gulped and smiled nervously, "I-I'm sorry, what did you ask?" I questioned. "That girl over there" he pointed to Katie who was smiling and talking to Allura, "She's a freak and by the looks of it she looks like a he." The others started to join in, "Is Lancy GaY!!" Freak!" I started crying, "STOP IT!!" I screamed ramming my body into the teenager's. He landed against the wall, his head smacking against it, and he didn't come back up. 

                      My body shook, tears cascading down my cheeks and an urge just to throw up. "What is going on?" Allura asked coming up beside me. I pushed past her and ran upstairs, down the hallway and into my room, slamming the door shut behind me.  I rushed to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. I sat on the tile floor, crying and holding tight to myself. 

                           I heard loud bangs on the door until someone rammed it open. Katie was by my side within a minute, soothingly rubbing my back and kissing my cheek. "It's okay babe" she whispered in my ear, "I'm right here." She ran her fingers through my hair and kissed my forehead. "What did they do to you?" she asked hugging me tightly. "I-I'm not mad becasue they called me gay, I'm bisexual, i don't take that offensive. But they were talking about you, calling you a weird and then saying that i was a freak for marrying you. I will never be ashamed of our realtionship, its just that i hate when people insulte you."

                                     She smiled and held me close, "You are perfect, Lance, never let anyone say you're not," she said, "You don't have to feel ashamed if people talk about me, let them talk, i don't give a fuck" she grinned. I lied my head on her shoulder and laughed, "I love you Katie, so much"  i said. "I love you too Lance." she replied  helping me off of the floor. "Now lets go back downstairs and party like animals" she giggled holding onto my hand. 

                        We came back to the party and continued to laugh and have a good time. When everyone left i helped Katie back to our room. She giggled uncontrolably and slopply kissed my cheek. "lAnCe" she chuckled, "WheRE aRe we GoIng?" I didn't like when she was druvk but this was different, she was enjoying herself and not sad and locked in her room. She danced into the room and took off her clothes. I blushed and helped her into her light green pjs. She flopped onto the bed and made grabby hands for me. 

                    I smiled and took off my clothes and put a pair of black shorts on before crawling into bed next to her. She nuzzled her face into my neck and sighed, quickly falling asleep in my arms. I sighed deeply, intaking her beautiful scent of coffee and hazlenut. This was perfect, the girl i loved most held tight in my arms and a happy family right down the hall. I smiled once more before finally falling deeply into slumber. 

                        Im kinda upset right now, so sorry this was short. With all this stress about the corona and school i kinda just need to breath, luckily Wattpad is here for me to empty it out :) 


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