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                            We all gathered in the control room where Coran announced that the Galra were attacking a nearby planet. "We need to get there as soon as possible" Coran said, his mustache twitching every time he spoke.  Keith slouched next to me, his eyes swollen and he was obviously in pain. "We need Voltron" Allura said burying her face in her hands, "Except Shiro isn't here." Keith whimpered under his breath. I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled gently before turning towards the control panel.

                          "I could try to hack the Black Lion's system and put it on auto piolet. We can form Voltron with it but the Black Lion will bot be able to hold it's position for long.  We have at least an hour that Voltron will hold its form before it disperses and then we get the Black Lion back into its hanger" I said.  Everyone agreed and ran to their lions while I hacked the Black Lion's system. Somethings were complicated and written in the Altean language. Allura helped me decode it and the rest was easy. 

                     We headed for the planet when I started to get this weird headache. My vision blurred and my head was pounding. "H-Hey guys. Am I the only one that's feeling very uneasy?" Hunk asked through the coms. "No your not. I have this weird headache" I responded. "Me too." Keith said. Lance was silent. I opened up a separate transmit so I could talk to him privately. "Lance? Are you feeling okay?" I asked, panic creeping into my voice. It was static for a minute before his soothing voice came. "I-I'm fine. Just zooned out for a minute. How about you?" he asked. I sighed, "Well I have this bad headache and have this weird feeling in my gut" I responded.  "You don't have to come Katie, you can go back to the castle and rest if you need it." I shook my head even though he couldn't see me. "No I think I'll be fine. Besides we need Voltron for this mission." 

                            Lance grunted softly. "Are you okay??" I asked. "Perfectly fine" he said before having a coughing fit. "Lancy you don't sound fine. Do you have a cold? Did your fever return? Do you have allergies? I don't think you can get allergies in space but I can't say exactly." "I said I was fine" he sighed before switching to the group chat. I huffed and listened to Allura for instructions. "Alright paladins, we need to sneak onto the planet without being seen so we can warn the civilians and evacuate them underground" Allura said. "I have a cloaking device installed into the Green Lion, I could go and make sure you guys can get to the planet without being seen" I suggested. "It's a bit risky but it's the best plan we have, Pidge you'll go ahead while the other paladins watch for any oncoming Galra ships" Allura said.

                    I heard Lance whimper a little before I cut off my com. I would have to find out what was wrong with him when we get back to the castle but right now we were in the middle of a mission. I floated past Galra cruisers and landed peacefully on the planet's surface, just outside a small town.  I crept onto the streets and snuck down alleyways until I was confronted with one of the locals who looked very friendly. "Hi I'm Pidge, I'm a paladin of Voltron here to help you." I said calmly. The civilian through his chubby purple arms around me "Thank the gods you have arrived" he said, "Come quickly, some of my friends are stuck under this building that the Galra set on fire!" He grabbed my hand and lead me down some backways to an open park square were a building had collapsed.

                             I scanned each side of the building but didn't see anyone, "Are you sure there are people here?" I asked the civilian. "Oh I am quite certain there are Paladin, in fact they don't really like you at all" he said smiling. Before I knew it, I was surrounded by Galra soldiers. "You betrayed me!" I yelled at the civilian who was being handed a small pouch of money. "Business is business Paladin. You have to learn never to trust anyone. " he said smiling creepily at me. Anger flowed through my veins as two soldiers grabbed my arms and lead me away. "Activate the bomb" One of the soldiers said. "W-What?!?" I yelled trying to pull my arms away from them, "Y-You can't do this to these people!!! They have done nothing to you!!" 

                          "They have dishonored Zarkon and the Galra empire so they must be punished severely" he responded dragging me to a ship. "By killing them?!?! That is unfair!! Voltron will stop you!!" I screamed, kicking at my kidnappers. "Oh no little paladin, Voltron is gone. We spotted your ship just inside of our radius, which is good because they will be hit by the blast of the bomb that is ticking at this very moment. Plus I think there is someone who is dying to see you." I glanced up at the ship and felt my heart drop. Shiro stood at the door, smiling like a maniac. "Hello Pidgey, I'm so happy I get to see you again" he said. 

                     "You son of a bitch!!!" I yelled ready to charge at him, remembering all the horrible things he did to me. "That's no way to treat a friend Pidgey, besides we are going to have so much fun." I felt his hand slide across my shoulders and immediately I felt the weight of the universe fall on top of me. "P-Please don't hurt them, Shiro I know you are still in there, protect our family." Shiro grinned wildly, grabbing ahold of my neck and squeezing tightly. I gasped as tears began to form in my eyes. "That family of yours is doing a real good job at being there for you. Lance has been nothing but rude and disrespecting to you. Keith is still in the stage of grieving and doesn't have time for your bullshit. Allura is a leader that doesn't need the rest of you, she can conquer galaxies without you. "

                         My body trembled, my vision was blurry and my lungs screamed  for help. "P-Please" I begged. He dropped me onto the ramp, I choked and gaged for air. "Whatever. Put her in cell and begin the countdown" Shiro ordered. The soldiers picked me off of the floor and threw me into a cell. My heart pounded against my chest, I whimpered and pulled my knees to my chest.  "I'll see you later" Shiro said on the other side of the door. I layed down on my side and began to cry. 

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