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               Today was perfect, nothing could ruin it. I was engaged to a beautiful girl and i was happy. What more could i want. When we went back to the castle ,Katie happily showed her ring, causing Keith to cry.

             "My little sister is engaged" he cried, " im going to bawl my eyes out." Katie smiled and hugged him. Hunk patted my back, "you did good Lance"he smiled ," I've never seen her so happy." It was true, the way she smiled and giggled, I've never seen her look so happy and content.
              The next thing i knew she jumped into my arms and peppered my face with kisses. I was blushing very hard when she stopped. I looked down at her small body that was curled up into my chest. " i can call you my husband" she mumbled, " i love you Lance". I kissed her head, " i love you too babe".
                Hunk yawned, "well i don't know about you guys but I'm exhausted. I'll see you love birds in the morning" he ruffled Katie's hair and patted my shoulder. Everyone went to leave for bed except Allura and us. "I've already set up your bedroom" she exclaimed, "follow me".

            She lead us down the hallway were we all slept but it was missing a door. "My room is missing?" Katie said, "that's the first". Allura giggled, "no silly, your room didn't disappear, it's right here". She slide the door open to reveal a amazing room.

                A king bed was in the middle of the room, pressed up against the wall. Above the bed was a framed photo of me a Katie and a couple of pictures of our families. One picture was a photo of team voltron. Katie sat on top of Hunk's shoulders, i stood next two them, smiling and laughing. Keith was next to Shiro who had his arm slung around him. Allura and Coran were smiling at us.
            We all looked so happy, it made me feel good. Katie stared at a large bookcase over in the corner, beanbags were scattered around it. " is that for us" she awed. Allura nodded, "you'll find a lot of good books in there" she said. I glanced up at the ceiling and grinned.

               Glow in the dark stars were plastered along the ceiling, some were clusters and others were scattered. Purple curtains were dangling above the bed and the soft carpet felt clean and fuzzy. The best part about the room was the dozens of fairy lights were tangled into the purple curtains.
            "It's perfect" katie said getting out of my arms and curling up into the bed. "The bathroom is right there" Allura said pointing to a side door, " and if you need anything were all here". I hugged her, "thank you for everything" i said. "Your welcome" she replied.

           She said goodnight and left. I started unbuttoning my shirt when i heard Katie gasp. I turned and she quickly hid her face. "Awe baby" i cooed getting into the bed. She sighed and pulled off her sandals. I kissed the back of her neck, trailing kisses around her collarbone.

              The next thing that i knew, she pinned underneath me, her hand rubbed over my chest in a circle. She was only wearing a black bra and a pair of green shorts but she glowed like an angel.

            I was laying on her now, kissing her stomach and lingering over her neck. " i love you" i whispered into her ear. She kissed my lips sweetly. " i love you too".

      OMGS i published two chapters in one day. *high fives self* im feeling good!! Anyway.... MY BABIES ARE ENGAGED!!! Im so excited to write the next chapters. Enjoy my peeps :)

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