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                                                     The first thing I heard was Pidge screaming. My eyes shot open and I gasped for air.  I looked around the dark, dingy cell that I was being held in. My hands were cuffed together and my head throbbed. "Pidge" I whispered. There was no reply so I knew that she wasn't here, but she was somewhere nearby. There was dry blood on my neck from hitting my head on the alley wall. I stood up, using the wall for support. I stumbled forward but managed to stand.

                                  My helmet was a few inches in front of me. I could contact the others  I thought as I picked my helmet up. It took some effort but I managed to put on the helmet. "Shiro" I called "Keith, Hunk , Allura, anybody". The other end was static and my last hope of getting out of here was crushed. The wall shoke and trembled like someone hit it. Then I heard Pidge whimper. I began to panic, I through myself against the wall hoping that I could open a door or something. "Hey!" I screamed "Let me out". No one replied as usual. I paced around the cell, fidgeting with my fingers and trying to come up with a plan.

                                    No matter what I did I couldn't help myself but to start crying. "This is all my fault" I whispered as I sobbed into my hands " I should have never said anything. I should've stayed put, I should've...". Suddenly the door opened and a man stepped inside. I quickly wiped away my tears as the man came forward. "What do you want!" I screamed. "Zarkon requested that I bring you to him" the man said grabbing ahold of my arms. He led me down a hallway past a few more cells then to a bunch of heavily guarded doors. He pushed them open and shoved me inside. Zarkon was sitting in his black throne and Pidge was laying on the floor crying. "Pidge!" I yelled ,as ran towards her.

                                I went to my knees and pulled Pidge to my chest. Her eyes were like fractured crystals and he face was red from crying. Her side was bleeding and a pool of blood surrounded her. A bloody knife sat next to her. "What do you want from us!" I screamed at Zarkon. He smiled then spoke "Tell me where the lions are and I won't hurt you and your friend". "I've already told you, I'll never tell you where they are" Pidge whimpered. Her face turned pale from the blood loss and she started to breath faster. I searched the room for a way out, It was just me, Pidge and Zarkon which I found surprising because he usually was surrounded by guards and robots.

                                  I found an opening on the second level balcony, there was no guards there, it was perfect. I lifted Pidge off the ground and slung her over my back so it looked like I was giving her a piggy back ride.  She groaned but managed to wrap her arms around my neck. "What do you think you are doing" Zarkon snickered, "You can't possibly escape, just tell me where the lions are". "Never" I said then I picked up the knife that was laying in the pool of blood and hurled it at Zarkon. I ran for the stairs that lead to the opening, Pidge trembled but held on.

                                 I made it to the opening without interference from Zarkon who was to busy trying to find out what happened. I pulled Pidge off of my back which was now covered in blood, and I held her in my arms as I fired up my jet pack. We flew through the air and down to the ground, were I started to run. The ship was parked at the other end of the city and it was away from the lions thankfully. I forgot that I was wearing hand cuffs but when I looked down they weren't there. I ran as fast as I could through the city and through the streets. I heard the sound of footsteps behind so I ran faster and harder. When we reached the hill that Pidge rolled down , my legs felt like noodles and my heart felt like it was going to rip through me, but I kept going.

                                 When we were at the lions I set Pidge down in the green grass. "Lance" she mumbled, "Get the disk thing that's sitting on my seat". I did what she told me and brought out a small ,black disk . She pointed to a spot on the grass where I set it down. She hobbled over and pushed a small button on the disk. A wave of blue light stretched outwards covering the lions and us. "It's a barrier" Pidge said as she sat down "It should protect us". "It's camouflaged", I pointed out "Cool". Pidge smiled then flinched. "I'll patch you up" I said. I ran to the blue lion and got out the first aid-kit. I took out bandages and wrapped them around Pidge's side and leg. "Thanks" she said ,when I was finished patching her up. She pushed back a piece of her hair then layed down in the lush, grass. I lied next to her letting the warm grass fill my insides with warmth. I must of fell asleep because when I woke up there was stars in the sky and the sun was setting. Pidge had made a campfire and she was now watching the sun set. I got up and walked slowly towards her. I plopped down next to her, and stared at the beautiful scene.  "It's amazing" she said, "Have you ever seen something so beautiful".

                                   I laced my fingers between hers and said softly "Yes I have". Pidge started to blush, then she turned towards me.   Her hazel eyes sparkled in the sunlight and her hair shifted colors. I leaned forward and kissed her, she surprisingly accepted the kiss. When I was done her eyes were wide with surprise and she had changed to the color of a cherry. "Thanks Sharpshooter" she said. I was speechless but I managed to say "I love you". We both got up and layed by the fire. The stars were out and the sky was a dark blue. Pidge started to point out  constellations in the sky. I fell asleep before she was finished and my dream was pleasant well at least in the beginning.         

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