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                     Tears slipped down my face, collecting into a puddle at my feet. My back was pressed up against my bedroom door, face was buried in my hands, slick with tears. "I'm so sorry Allura" Coran said to me earlier, "Lotor is... dead. Hagar killed him after he tried to save Shiro. I'm sorry".  It felt like needles stabbed through my heart, first my planet and my family, now my lover is gone.  

                         It wasn't fair, why did everyone else get to be happy? Why can't I be happy? "Allura" Pidge said knocking on the door, "Do you want any breakfast? You weren't in the dinning room so I thought maybe you slept in." I dried my face and tried to smile when I opened the door. Pidge smiled at me then frowned. "What's wrong?" she asked taking my hand, "You look like you've been crying." My body started shaking, trying to hold all my emotions in.

                I collapsed to the ground in a fit of sobs. Pidge rubbed my back and held my hand, "Allura, everything will be okay. We are all here for you. We just want to help you." I cried into her shoulder and hugged her back. "L-Lotor" I sobbed. Pidge's eyes looked into mine, "I know what happened" she said quietly, "but it's not okay to be upset all by yourself. We are a family, we've got to stick together. We need you Allura and you need us too."

                     She was right, like most of the time. "Thank you Pidge" I sniffled. She smiled, "no problem" she replied.

  Keith's POV

                             I am so tired, like really, really tired. I rested my chin on the table while Lance sat next to me. He had a goofy grin plastered on his face but then it slowly went away, replaced with a worried frown. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "Y-Yes everything's fine" he quivered. I watched him for a few more minutes before Allura and Pidge came into the dinning room. "Good morning" Allura chirped. Pidge sat down next to Lance and kissed his cheek, making him blush.

                        Hunk set down a plate full of green pancakes topped with purple syrup. I took one bite out of the green food and immediately fell in love. "These are amazing Hunk" I exclaimed shoveling the pancakes into my mouth. "It's true Hunk, these are the best pancakes I've ever tasted" Lance said licking syrup from his fork.

                   We all enjoyed are  breakfast then went down to the training room.  I punched the wall for no reason causing strange glances from the others. "What was that for?" Hunk asked. I shrugged, "i don't know" i replied. We trained for hours until Pidge threw up. "C-Continue training, I can take care of it" she muttered wiping her mouth. Lance scooped her up into his arms and kissed her forehead, "As your fiancé I'm going to take care of you" he said, "No excuses." She smiled and they disappeared into their room.

                              Allura went to talk with Coran and me and Hunk watched the stars on the hologram. "I miss earth" he sighed, "You ever miss Earth Keith?" I shrugged my shoulders, "I miss Adam and my home but I never really had a family after my dad died." Hunk hugged me, "When we get back home, you're going to stay at my house with my family and Shay. I'm going to show you what it's like to have a family" he said.

                    I sobbed into his shoulder, it felt to good to just cry and not give a care in the world. Hunk took me back to my room were I slept peacefully.

                                FINALLY!! I'm so sorry my peeps that I haven't updated but I felt bad and I published this chapter, just fluff. Also..... I started a Tododeku book, so if you like that ship then you should check it out. The Solangelo book........ I'm sorry that I haven't updated that one in forever but I'm getting around to publishing a chapter. Enjoy my peeps ;) 

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