Here comes SHIRO!!

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                          Lance's POV

                                        Katie was the only thing keeping me from screaming at the top of my lungs. Not only did my girlfriend have to endorse the pain from the marks but she was threatened and beaten by SHIRO!! As gently as possible I layed Katie down on the bed and stormed towards Keith's room.

                   Pidge's POV

                        I could feel the blankets between my fingers, I couldn't feel the form of Lance. I groaned as I sat up, feeling  like trash. I wobbled towards the bathroom and brushed my hair. It was getting longer, down to my shoulders precisely. It was long enough that I could tie it back now, so I did just that. I found the green ribbon that I used when I was younger to tie back my long caramel hair. Brushing back every individual strand of hair I finally finished tying my hair back. 

                     I liked it, it made me feel.... lighter. I exited the bathroom, deciding what to do. I checked my watch, only 8:30 in the morning, everyone is probably still asleep, so I decided I could get maybe another hour and a half of sleep. I curled up on the bed, letting the smell of Lance engulf my senses.

                  I lied there for about 10 minutes before I heard the door open. Hoping that it was Lance I jumped up fro the bed with a smile on my face only to see the last person I'd ever want to see during my depression period. Shiro stood in the doorway with a smug grin on his face. "Hello Katie" he sneered coming closer to me, closing the door after him.

                "S-Shiro" I whimpered pressing my back against the wall, "W-What do you w-want?" He shoved me closer to the wall, I could feel his breath against my skin. "Nothing much" he replied gripping my wrist, "all I want is for little Lancey's heart to crush". .....

                      Lance POV

                                     "KEITH" I screamed, "I need to talk with you!!" There was no answer from Keith so I bust down the door.  It was dark and smelled weird, I flicked on the lights and found Keith sprawled on the ground, blood trickling from his head. "Keith!" I yelped kneeling down next to him. He groaned and sat up, "What happened?" I asked steadying him, "Why are you bleeding?"

                               Keith looked dazed for a minute before his eyes snapped back to reality. "run Lance" he said, "he's going after her!" I placed a hand on his forehead, wiping away the blood, "Did you hit your head or something?" Keith frowned, "This isn't a joke Lance" he said sternly, "Shiro came in here and knocked me out, he's trying to pull us all away from Katie, we need to find her".

                        "SHIT!!" I muttered jumping to my feet, "I left her alone in our room!" I sprinted towards our room, Keith close on my heels. "I'm an idiot" I mumbled to myself. If anything happened to her, I could never live with myself without feeling guilty. I heard a blood curdling scream and my heart leapt into my throat. "KATIE!" I screamed bursting through the door. 

                     The first thing that came to me was the smell, like rotting flesh and fish guts. Keith gagged behind me, and behind him Hunk stood with tears soaking his eyes. Katie's body was leaned against the wall, blood everywhere, on her clothes, soaking the wall and staining it a violent red. Her arm was bent in a weird position, blood poured out of her mouth and her eyes stared into space. The most disgusting thing about it all was the fact the their was a large wound in Katie's stomach. 

                     Keith scanned over her with a sensor, "Lance...." he whimpered, "she's ....dead".  I started laughing hysterically. I walked over to the corpse, my clammy hands pulled her body to my chest. She was so cold, her head lobbed to the side causing a little stream of blood to pour out. "She's just sleeping" I said holding her close, "She'll wake up, she's not dead".

                     Keith started crying and Hunk had to get Allura before things got out of hand. "Oh my gods" she shrieked when she saw the scene, "P-pidge". Hunk told her what happened, then Keith vomited on the floor and cried more. Allura hugged Keith and Hunk pried me off of Katie. "No!" I screamed, "She needs me!!" I clawed at Hunk's hands causing him to bleed. He took me out of the room and held me down in the hallway.

                      I screamed and kicked as he pinned me down to the floor. "LANCE!" Hunk snapped grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him, "Calm down buddy. I know it looks really bad but you got to stay with me buddy, okay, just breath". I took a sharp intake of air and let my body rack with sobs. Hunk pulled me close, wrapping his arms around me.

                         "M-My Pidgey I-is gone" I whimpered, "I j-just got her b-back and n-now she's g-gone". Hunk rubbed my back, "I know buddy, it's going to be okay". We sat in the halls for a few more minutes before Allura came out with Pidge's body in her hands. She dropped in the corpse and kicked it. "ALLURA!" Hunk cried.

                 "That's not Pidge" she said calmly grabbing ahold of the corpse's wrist. She drove a sharp piece of glass into the flesh and a bunch of wires came out. My heart caught in my throat  as I clambered to my feet. Keith had emerged from the room, his eyes a mustard yellow and his skin a shade of purple and covered in fur. Allura didn't seem fazed by this, Keith sniffed the air and growled. He bounded down the hallway, the rest of us sprinting to catch up.

                         Near the pods were two figures, one was Shiro and at his feet was Katie. Her screams were muffled by the gag around her mouth, tears flowed down her face and mixed in with the blood that dribbled out of her nose. Shiro had pinned down one of her arms by stepping on it. When he saw us he smiled, "You've finally came for the small one" he said with his smug grin. He forced all of his weight into his foot, stomping on Katie's arm.

                      She screamed and a cracked sounded through the air. The arm was at a weird angle, most likely broken. Her eyes rolled up into her head as she passed out from the pain. "Shiro what is the meaning of all this" Allura shouted. Shiro's eyes glowed yellow as he picked Katie up by her broken arm. Keith growled and ran towards Shiro, claws extended as he swiped at Shiro's face.

                      Shiro dodged the attack and let go of Katie, she hit the ground with a loud thud, her body curled up in a ball as she screamed and cried. I sprinted towards her while Keith attacked Shiro again from the side. I collapsed at her side and gathered her body up in my arms. She leaned in close to my chest, crying into it.

                       I ran back to Allura just as Shiro grabbed ahold of Keith's neck and flung him across the room. Keith hit the wall and fell to the ground in a heap. Hunk was next to try and attack Shiro. He held up his gun and started firing furiously. Shiro held up his robotic arm to catch the rays of bullets. He then got into a pod and launch himself into space.

                   Hunk ran to Keith and helped him to his feet. Keith had returned to normal while the battle surged, he held his head in his hands, concussion probably. I peeled away the gag from Katie's mouth and used it as a sling for her broken arm. I held her close, peppering her face in kisses, "I'm so sorry Katie" I said, "I should've never left you alone". She sighed and kissed my cheek, "It's not your fault" she whispered before passing out again..

                   Sorry that I haven't updated this story so much as I should. How did you like making Shiro the bad guy? I honestly thought that Shiro needed a break from this whole half robotic arm that tries to kill him every single episode. Anyways.. Enjoy peeps!     

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