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                                    Katie came out of the pod after a few hours, ever since then we've been avoiding each other. I lied down in bed and sighed, maybe if I hadn't yelled she wouldn't be upset, but then again, she did run off with out telling anyone and she did get injured. My feelings mushed together as I stared up at the ceiling. I was so tired today and after seeing Katie like that I kinda just let all my anxiety and anger flood out. 

                          A knock at the door drove me out of my day dream.  Keith emerged and sat on the bed next to me. "How are you feeling?" he asked.  I shook my head, "Not good at all" I replied sitting up, "Why would she run off like that? She knew it was dangerous and yet she still did it, and she didn't tell anyone, so if she..... was killed then w-we wouldn't know." I stuttered and a few tears escaped my eyes. Keith rubbed my back and sighed, "It's okay now, she's back and that's all that matters." 

                      "Still" I said rubbing my eyes, "If she did die, I couldn't live with my self knowing that I didn't know where she was and how she didn't trust us to know where she was going." Keith bit his bottom lip, "Love is tough buddy, sometimes we do stupid things for the ones we care about, risking our life would be no different then what Pidge did. She was thinking rationally and that ended up with her getting hurt, next time she'll think before she does something like that again." I stood up, "There won't be a next time because I'll make sure she's safe, I need to take care of her." 

                        I barged out of the room and down the hall, toward the small room in the back of the castle that Katie liked to hide in sometimes, just to get away from all the chaos and stuff like that. I cracked the door open and saw her on the floor, back pushed into the corner with a book right up next to her face. I opened the door wider and stepped inside, startling her from her reading position. "L-Lance" she stuttered putting her book down and fumbling with her fingers, "I uhm....... I'm sorry about what happened earlier, I was thinking clearly when I ran off, but.... Matt was so close and I didn't want to lose him like last time." 

                        Without hesitation I pulled her forwards and hugged her tightly. She immediately hugged back, sniffling and smiling. "I-I'm so sorry Lance, I didn't mean to upset you" she cried into my shirt. I sobbed louder falling to my knees and hugging her waist, "i was scared Katie" i said softly, " we just lost Shiro and i can't lose you too." She ran her fingers over my hair and kissed my head. "I promise i won't do something like that again" she said. I nodded and stumbled to my feet, holding on tight to her small hand. I gently tugged her out of the room and lead her to the bedroom. I crawled into bed and pulled her up against my chest.             

             She glanced up at me and smiled before laying her head back down and falling into the land of dreams. I stared at her for a while before slipping away into a quiet and peaceful world.

Sorry that this was such a short chapter. Honesty just want to see my girlfriend and friends again. At least the stores didn't run out of peanut butter otherwise i would probably be dead 😋 I LOVE PB, just saying.

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