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                                                      Lance fell asleep before I was able to finish telling him were the constellations are. He snored softly and he probably was upset that he didn't have his headphones to listen to his music, the headphones that he stole from me. I curled up next to him, and matched my breathing with his. I stared up at the sky one last time before drifting off into a deep sleep. When I awoke there was dew that covered the ground and my leg felt numb. I wiped the water off of my face then sat up and took in the fresh air. Lance was already awake, he was packing up the medical supplies that he used on me yesterday. I stretched then got to my feet.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           My leg still hurt but not as bad. I helped Lance pick up the rest of the supplies and load them into the blue lion. When we were finished packing, I looked back on the city. "It was a trick" Lance said following my gaze. "I just wish it was real" I said. I sighed then headed to the green lion. We took off into the atmosphere ,away from the Galra ship. We reached the castle just in time, Hunk was cooking breakfast and I had not eaten lunch nor dinner. "There you guys are" Shiro said when we entered the dinning room, "We thought you guys were in trouble". Allura glanced at my side then to my leg. She looked over at Lance who had dry blood covering his neck and his bloody lip. "What happened ?" she asked. "long story" Lance replied.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Lance and me took turns telling the others what happened. When we were finished Shiro patted Lance on the back "Good job buddy". Then he placed his hand on my shoulder, "That's so cool how you stood up to Zarkon like that". He looked at both of us then smiled. "Pidge" Allura said "Do you need a healing pod?". I shook my head, "No I'm fine". I took off towards my room, when I reached it I flopped onto my bed and let out a sigh. Rover ,my droid flew to my side. "Hey Rover" I mumbled.  He squeaked in delight then nudged my arm. I turned over to face him, then I let out a small laugh. "Thanks buddy. I needed that" I said rubbing the side of his tringle shaped body. I grabbed my computer and started to type. I wanted to build another droid so Rover wouldn't be lonely. I pulled out the picture of me and my brother Matt. His smile never seemed to disappear probably because it was a picture. I missed him and my dad so much. I hugged the picture to my chest and sighed. My computer started to buzz, and small strip of a sentence appeared on the screen.                                                                                             

                                Match found  it said. I pressed it and it took me onto another site. A picture of Matt dressed in black suit appeared in the corner, a map took up the rest of the page. A small dot pinpointed the location. It can't be  , I thought . I downloaded the coordinates on to a storage holder. I bolted out the door and down the hall, towards the control room.  My heart felt like it was going to rip through my chest, Matt was alive and dad was too, I knew it, I never lost hope in the two of them. When I reached the control room ,he was there. 

                          Lance stood in front of a hologram of the galaxies. He was close to crying and his bottom lip was trembling. "Lance" I said edging towards him. He came out of his daze and stared at me in surprise. "Oh, hey Pidge" he mumbled, turning back to the stars. "Is everything okay?" I asked. Lance didn't answer instead he went back to his trance, gazing at the billions of stars. I placed my hand on his shoulder ,"Talk to me" I said. Lance trembled but then let out millions of tears. He slide to the ground and placed his head into his hands. I wrapped my arms around and pulled him into a hug.

                            "Everything will be okay" I said. Lance placed his head on my shoulder and held back more tears. "Do you ever miss Earth" he sniffled. "Of course I do" I replied, "I miss my mom and my dog, but I'm out here looking for the rest of my family and defending the universe". Lance wiped the tears from his eyes then mumbled softly " I miss my famlila".  I pulled him closer to my chest, almost about to cry myself. "Lance" I whispered, "I don't think that I'm staying here". I know, I know bad timing but I wanted to tell him now so he wouldn't be crushed later.

                            "What do you mean" Lance said ,pulling away from my chest. I stood up helping Lance to his feet. "I mean" I said, "That I found my brother, well were he is supposable is." Lance's eyes were in shock, "You can't leave, the team needs you, I need you" Lance said. "I can't let an opportunity like this slip between my grasp Lance" I yelled, "If you had a chance to see your family again would you take it!?" Lance looked at me, his face bubbled with anger and his eyes were piercing through my heart. He bit his lower lip trying not to say something hurtful, but then I realized that I'm the one that said something hurtful.

                                 "Lance ...oh gosh, I'm so sorry" I said wishing that I could take back those hurtful words. I held my hand out to touch his shoulder but he pushed it away. "Just go" he mumbled. "Lance I..." I started to say but then Lance pushed me aside and headed for the door. He stormed out of the room leaving me to deal with my emotions. Yes I was angry at myself, yes I felt sad, yes I wanted to jump off of a cliff right now but I couldn't. I was left with a hard decision, find Matt and dad or stay here and be with Lance. The thought made me want to die. I sat on the floor looking up at the stars that Lance was looking at then I realized he was looking at the Milky Way galaxy. He wanted to go home and I couldn't blame him.    

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