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           Pidge giggled and snorted as i ran down down the hallways with her in my arms. I kicked open her door and threw her onto the bed then plopped down next to her. I sighed as she grabbed ahold of my hand and brought it to her chest. I felt her heart beat softly before it strated to race again. I looked over at her, she was on her back breathing hard.

                "Katie?" i said sitting up and taking her small body in my arms. "It hurts Lance" she whimpered, "Please make it stop". I combed my fingers through her carmel hair, calming her down just enough so that i could lay down. She pushed herself onto my chest and began to draw shapes with her finger. 

                    I relaxed under her touch and wrapped my arms around her thin body. Before i knew it she was asleep ontop of me. Her breaths were short but peaceful in a way.I gently set her aside and got up to go to the bathroom. I took off my shirt to reveal horror.

                 The black marks that i had seen scattered across my back were now wrapping around my side and onto my stomach, going up towards my chest. it hurt so bad that i fell to the floor. I heard a cruel voice in my head, Haggar's broke into my mind. She was snickering and taunting me, "Oh poor paladin, soon you will belong to the Galra empire and you cannot resist" she laughed. I wanted to scream for help, but then i thought of Katie, she's going through the same thing and i can't leave her to do this on her own. 

                  My head was spinning by the time i was standing up. I gripped the edges of the sink, coughing up blood and grimincing at the sight. I was able to put my shirt back on before i heard a quiet voice. "Lance?" Pidge said yawning, "What are you doing?" "Nothing" i said quickly looking down at the floor. Pidge gave me a puzzled look before getting up and walking over to me. "Is something wrong?" she questioned scanning over me. 

                   "No i just had to use the bathroom" i replied grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the bed, "Come on, i'm still tired". I smiled to show that i was fine before slidding into the bed and letting Katie lay ontop of me again.

                      "I love you" i whispered into her ear. She looked up and planted her lips on mine. "I love you too" she replied snuggling against my chest. In the morning i would tell her, i thought to myself, I will tell the others too.

                 After my final thought left my mind i quickly fell asleep......

                 I was awaken by the sound of Pidge screaming. I straightened in the bed to see her drenched in sweat being carried out by a Galra solider. Her eyes were full of fear and I could sense that she was in a great deal of pain. "PUT.HER.DOWN!" I screamed lunging for the solider. I tumbled to the floor and scrambled to my feet only to be kicked in the stomach.

                   "Lance!" Pidge yelled. I was breathing heavily from having the wind knocked out of me. I stumbled to my feet leaning against the bedframe. My stomach felt like it was on fire. Before I could plan my next move, the solider went bolting down the hallway with Pidge in his arms. I ran forward and after the guard, shouting for the team, shouting for help. 

                Keith ran out of his room and ran along side me. "What's happening?" he asked then he looked ahead of us. "Oh" he managed to say, "How did he get in here?" "I don't know" I replied, "But he has Pidge". Keith nodded and sped up to keep up with me. "Shiro!" he screamed, "Allura, Hunk! Get your asses out here NOW!" 

                    I couldn't help but chuckle as Keith continued to curse. After a while the rest of the Paladins arrived. "Are you serious" Hunk said, "How did they even get in? And where's Pidge?" "Why do you think were running towards the bad guy" Shiro said in a sarcastic tone. Hunk's mouth formed into an O as we continued to run. 

                  We reached the docking bay where we found the Galrain shoving Katie into a Galra cruiser. "Katie!" I yelped, running at full speed towards the ship. The Galra solider smirked before taking off in the ship. Allura came running out of no where and threw a small black sphere at the ship before it disappeared. The sphere clung to the side of the ship then turned invisible.

                    "What was that?" Keith asked. "A tracking device" Allura explained, "We should be able to track Pidge now, so don't worry Lance... Lance?" Everyone was looking at me now. My knees buckled underneath me as I let out millions of tears. "Hey buddy, it's okay, we'll find her" Hunk said in a calm voice rubbing my back.

             Keith kept scanning over me. "Your in pain" he pointed out. "Well hell ya I'm in pain Keith!" I screamed clutching my stomach. "No not about Pidge" Keith said kneeling down next to me, "Your physically in pain, did you get hurt?" Keith started to remove my hands from my stomach. I can't let him find out, I can't, I can't I can't.

               "I'm fine!" I snapped pushing away him. I got up and started to speed walk to my room. "Tell me when you find Katie!" I shouted back at them. No one answered so I continued to walk away. So much has been taken away from me, I can't do this anymore, I can't do it.

                     I shoved the door to my room open and collapsed on the floor. I'm trying to quiet the noises in my head, they taunt me and yell at me.KILL is the one word that repeats every time, KILL,KILL,KILL. "STOP IT!" I screamed, "Just SHUT UP!" I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. "Lance" I could hear Keith say, "Where are you?"

                 I'm done. I'm done with all of this. I reached up for the knife that I stole from Keith. I pressed it along my arm and my wrist, watching the blood flow off of me. "Lance" I heard Keith call again. I whimpered quietly as my world began to fade into darkness. "LANCE!" Keith yelled pushing open the door. When he saw me curled up in the corner with his knife he let loose all of his emotion.

                      He smacked the knife out of my hand and I watched as it clattered to the floor. Keith grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to my feet. "What were you thinking!?" he screamed "You could've died Lance!" "Keith I'm sorry..." my voice trailed off as my knees began to buckle. Blood stained my shirt and my hands. "Shit" Keith mumbled.

                He gathered my body in his hands then took off to the pod room. "Keith" I grumbled as he ran. "Yes Lance" Keith said tears filled his eyes. "Please don't tell anyone" I mumbled, "I can't let them worry about me, please". Keith nodded , "I won't Lance but as soon as you get out of the pod we are going to have a talk". "Fair enough" I croaked.

                   Keith put me into a pod and gave me a reassuring smile. Then my whole world went black. 

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