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                 "Pidge!" Hunk called, running towards me. "Hey Hunk" I replied as he squeezed me into a bear hug. "OMG did they hurt you?" Hunk said in a worried tone. "No I'm fine" I said, "Just a little hungry". Hunk ran to the kitchen, "of course I'll fix something up for you!" l smiled as Allura and Shiro hugged me. 

              Keith patted my shoulder which I was grateful for since I didn't like physical contact. I scanned the room, "Where's Lance?" I asked, "I really want to see him". Keith's face tightened, "Pidge, he went looking for you and when we told him that you came back his mic went static and we couldn't track him" he said, "We're doing everything to find him, I promise you we will find him".

                My heart dropped. "No he can't be gone" I whimpered, "he said that he wouldn't leave me". My legs began to tremble as I sprinted down the hallway to my room. Tears streaked my face as I threw myself onto the bed. Lance you idiot, why would you do this, I was coming back.

            My chest began to rise and fall rapidly, my chest tightened. I walked to my dresser and grabbed my inhaler. Relief flooded my body as I sighed. Like Matt , Lance would do almost anything for me. I hated it. I mean I love that they are loyal but they would die for me, and I can't let that happen.

              I felt lightheaded but walked out to the kitchen. I opened up the fridge door and took out a bottle of nunvil. I once saw a bunch of aliens get drunk on this stuff so I guess I can to. I chugged the bottle and grinned wildly. I gathered a bunch of bottles in my arms and walked back to my room. 


Heller, sorry that I haven't updated in a long time but I hope to now since I got a bunch of work done, well as always enjoy the next chapters ;)

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