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                          Anger boiled in my veins as i shot down the remaining Galrian ships that were attacking the castle. They hurt Pidge now they deserved to die. I suddenly heard a loud clang in the back of the Blue lion. I grabbed my bayard and continued to drive, glancing behind me. 

             A lizard lady broke the door into the control room. She flashed a scary smile before lunging towards me. I dodged her as her head smashed into the control panel. My lion shot upwards and flipped through the air sending me tumbling around. The lizard lady pushed off of the control panel and made another grab for me. She held onto the collar of my suit and stuck a long needle into my neck. Pain arose as i thrashed around trying to shake her off of me. 

                "Gosh your restless" the lady complained, "Hold still". She finished ingecting the needle into me and smiled again a wild grin. "See you soon, Blue Paladin" she said waving at me and making her way to the exit. "And remember" she said before leaving, "We're always watching". And with her finnal word she jumped and left the lion. 

          I felt dizzy but managed to get back to my seat and get Blue back into battle. I'll worry about the neddle later, right now all i want is revenge.

......Time skip to when the battle is over.......

             "Pidge!" i yelped running down the hall towards the pod room. My heart was racing as i burst though the doors. Shiro and Allura were whispering to each other as Keith tried to calm Hunk down because he was bawling his eyes out. "i-is she okay?" i asked breathing heavily. Keith noticed me and waved me over to the pod were Pidge's small body was stored. I checked her heart rate, slow but still there. Blood puddles were scattered across the room.

               I turned towards Shiro who was now right behind me, gazing up at Pidge. "What happened?" i asked trembling. Shiro turned his gaze to me, "When we put her in the pod her heart rate whent way low" Shiro answered, "So in order to save her, we stitched her stomach up, now she's back in the pod resting".

             Relief washed over me as i slid my back down the side of the pod. "I'm going to wait here for her, if that's alright" i said. "Of course" Allura said putting her hand on my shoulder, "If your hungary later ,leftovers  will be in the fridge". I nodded then watched as the team exited the room to eat and get rest. 

           With trembling hands i slowly traced over the scars that covered my arms and wrist. If only someone could understand, If only......

           I awoke a few hours later. I streched and felt someone leaning on me. I saw peaceful Pidge sleeping in my lap, her hair was plastered across her face and a couple drops of blood were  scattered across her hands. I smiled then picked her up and carried her towards her room. I placed her in her bed and kissed her forehead before closing the door and walking to my room. 

                As soon as i entered my room, pain flared across my back and wrapped itself around me like a blanket trying to suffocate me. I ran into the bathroom and through off my shirt. I stared in horror at the sight that i saw. Black jagged marks crisscrossed over my back and deep cutes jutted out. The black marks hurt like hell. I gulped and wrapped a bandage around my torso. I must hide this from the team, they don't need more to worry about.

             I sighed then flopped down into my bed,feeling lonely. i stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes before getting out of bed and changing into my blue pjs. I trotted down the hall to Pidge's room. I knocked on her door and waited till it opened. Pidge had on her pj's which were a green tank top and black shorts. She smiled then pulled me into a hug. i whinced in pain as she wrapped her arms around me, rubbing her hands over the black marks.

            "Lance i have something to tell you" Pidge whispered pulling me into her room. She shut the door and flipped on the light switch. "What's wrong?" i asked giving her a concerned look. She sighed then started to pull of her tank top. "Are you about to flash me?!" i asked looking away. "NOnonononon!" Pidge yelped, "I've got a bra on, gosh Lance don't scare me like that" she said continuing to pull of her tank top.

              I looked back at Pidge who had thrown her shirt onto her bed. She was wearing a black sports bra but her face was tightened in pain. Without waiting for me to ask what was wrong, she turned around showing off her back that was covered in marks like mine but these marks were a dark shade of green. Pidge turned towards me again and tears poured down her face.

                 "I'm sorry Lance" she whimpered as i pulled her close to my chest, "I-I should've  told you sooner". "Shh" i said in a calm voice, "It's not you fault" I didn't tell her about my marks, not now when she was in so much pain. "Lets go find some bandages to wrap that up" I said handing her the tank top that she threw. She smiled and put on the shirt. I carried her through the halls towards the pod room where bandages were stored in the cabinets.

                        "Lance" Pidge whispered, "The marks, they mean something....." her voice trailed off and tears began to form in her eyes. "What do they mean?" I questioned. "It's a disease, a disease that could potentially kill me. The marks appeared after I was stabbed by Zarkon. I think .... I think there was some kind of poison on the sword that was suppose to be put into Shiro" Pidge explained, "We need to get an antidote and I know where it is".

                 "Where is it?" I asked, I was getting really tired of asking all of the questions. "It's on a planet called Revdel, it has a variety of plants on it and one of those plants is the Welver, it is suppose to cure poison out of someone's blood", Pidge looked up at me, "Please Lance, we've got to go there" she begged burying her head into my chest.

             "We will, I promise but first lets get it wrapped up and tell the team what's up" I said setting her down on an exam table then rummaging through the cabinets to find the bandages. "Do you think they'll agree?" Pidge asked fidgeting with her fingers, "I mean what if they don't think that I'm worth the trouble". I slammed my hand down on the counter and turned toward Pidge.

                          Her hazel eyes were filled with shock as I stormed over to her and planted my lips on hers. They were soft and tasted of warm coffee. I pulled away and saw her cherry red face staring back at me with amazement. "Don't you ever say that you are not worth the trouble" I said in a soft tone, "Cause your worth the whole universe to me". Pidge blushed even harder then wrapped her small hands around my neck and smashed her lips into mine.

                 When we pulled away she was grinning ear to ear. "I love you too" she said softly. 

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