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                                    Spikes of pain ran up my spine as Lance wrapped bandages around my torso. He glanced up at my pained face and planted a kiss on my forehead then continued to wrap me up. I smiled weakly and stared at his ocean blue eyes that sparkled when he moved. I sighed as he stopped and grinned at me.

              "What are you looking at?" he asked. "You" I managed to say still sighing. His grin expanded as he scoped me off the table and swung me around. I giggled and laughed like a child. That's what I love about Lance, he can make the oldest and grumpiest people wild and young again. When he set me down on the floor I forgot all about the dangerous poison that was coursing through my veins. I forgot all about the evil emperor that was trying to destroy us, right now all I cared about was me and Lance.

                   We walked towards the control room, hand in hand when Lance asked me a question that shocked me. "What's your name?" he asked glancing at me. I fumbled for words, "What do you mean?!" was all I could say. Lance rolled his eyes and gave me a playful smile, "Come on, I know your name is not Pidge, I'm pretty sure no one would name their kid that". I gulped then spoke, "Katie my name is Katie Holt".

                   Lance stopped in his tracks and looked at me with surprise. "Katie Holt as in Mr.Holt's daughter?" he asked. "Yes" I replied looking at him in a weird way. I studied him for a minute then a memory came popping into my head. He looked exactly like the kid that I had a crush on at the Garrison. "Your hair" said Lance, "It was ..... longer". This was him, this was the kid that I hid behind walls for, just to get a look at him.

                   Lance started to cry a joyful cry that made me choke up. "Is it really you? After all these years" lance said, "I had a crush on you back on Earth before you cut your hair". "I did too" I said. Lance took ahold of my hand and kissed it gently. "I love you so much Katie, your full of surprises" he said with delight. Before I could respond he was sweeping me off of my feet again and then bolting down the hall shouting with joy.

             He burst through the control room doors and fell to the ground. We were a mess, are limbs were entangled and we couldn't stop laughing and giggling. I stopped when I saw Shiro's face looming over top of us. He had on his Space Dad look and he scolded at us to get up. As I sat up I cried out in pain as a sharp prick sprouted on my neck.

               I ignored it but it came back ten times more worse. It crept up my spine and down into my back until I was sprawled across the floor screaming in agony. "Katie!" Lance yelped touching the side of my face. The pain faded and Lance helped me sit up. "What happened?" Shiro asked as the rest of the paladins made their way over to us. "It was like you had a muscle spasm" Hunk pointed out carrying over a glass of some blue liquid.

               "That's what we came here for" lance said putting his arm around my waist as he pulled me off of the floor. "When Pidge was stabbed by Zarkon a poison was injected into her, it left these scars on her back that cause a lot of pain. We need to get the cure which is on a planet called Revdel, it's a plant called Welver. Please Shiro we need this cure or Pidge is going to die" Lance said in a pleading voice.

              Allura came from behind and placed a hand on Shiro's shoulder. "Of course, we will set course for Revdel as soon as we can" she said softly, "Lance I need you to go get food for Pidge and then take her back to her room for some rest, we will arrive at the planet shortly after". "Thanks Allura" I squeaked, then I had a coughing fit. Lance picked me up and we proceeded to the kitchen.

                 Lance sat me down on the purple cushioned seat that was in the corner of the kitchen. He then pulled out a bunch of stuff that he made into two sandwiches and a handful of red chips. He placed a plate in front of me then sat in the seat across from me. I didn't hesitate, I took a huge bite out of the turquoise sandwich then I shoveled in a bunch of chips. Lance finished before me, he smiled as I continued to munch down on the food.

                    After I was done I began to wash the dishes. Lance came from behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist, careful not to hurt my back. He rested his chin on the crook of my neck , "What did I do to deserve someone like you?" he asked softly, his hot breath sent goose bumps down my neck as he breathed in and out. "You being you is all that matters to me" I replied finishing up the dishes.

               "I don't understand how you guys tolerate me" he said, "I'm such an idiot". I turned around to face him, his eyes shimmered with tear as he looked down at the ground. I cupped his face in my hands and gently kissed his noose. "Lance your not an idiot" I said calmly, "Your sweet and charming and most of all kind". Lance smiled a little and kissed me on the lips.

             "Thank you" he said picking me up again. "why do you keep doing this" I giggled. "Because my princess should not be walking if she is in pain" he answered in a British accent, "And because you weigh nothing". I punched him playfully in the shoulder before he whisked me off to my bedroom.

    Hello peeps, how's the story so far? I'm love writing this and I hope that I can make more stories like this. Hope u enjoy. ;) 

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