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                                       A bright light shined in my face. I groaned and opened my eyes. I was tied to a chair in a black room that had no guards and no doors that I could see. It reminded me of the cop shows me and my mom use to watch before I ran away. I tried to move my hands but they were paralyzed. The sound of a door opening came from behind me. A tall man walked into the room , he was Galra alright , he was wearing a black and purple suit that matched with the room. "Who are you and where am I" I yelled. The man did not reply instead he pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. "Are you or are you not a paladin of Voltron?" the man asked. "Yes" I replied," And Voltron will be here any minute so you better untie me ,before you get hurt" I felt proud of myself , that was a pretty good threat, but the man did not by it. He laughed and replied, " How will you form Voltron if you are here".

                          This guy is good I thought to myself. "How did you know I was here?" I asked ignoring his question. "We saw you and your friend enter the atmosphere. Now tell me were are the lions" he said. Lance  I thought. "Where's Lance!" I shouted. "So, you have feelings for the paladin" the man snickered. "No...I just uh" I mumbled. I didn't know what to say, Yes I liked Lance but now talking to a guy I didn't know that could possibly kill me ,was not the best time to talk about my feelings towards Lance. Instead of answering his question I spit in his face. He wiped away my spit and looked at me in disgust. "You are not worthy of being a paladin of Voltron" he said getting up from his seat. "But you are a Paladin, so you do have some worth". He spun my chair around so it faced the door. "Tell me were are the lions" he commanded. "Never" I answered. A smile appeared on his face, then he snapped his fingers and a robot came running in.

                              "Yes commander Trey" the robot said. "Take her to Lucas, tell him this one is not much of a talker" Commander Trey said. He untied me the placed cuffs on my wrist. The robot led me out of the room and onto the hallway of a ship. Guards ran past us as we made are way down the hall.  I wondered if I could escape without the robot noticing, but with all the other guards nearby and the security cameras I spotted, there was no way I could make it out of here undetected. Plus there was Lance, I didn't know where he was or If he was hurt but I knew I had to find him.

                             The robot pushed me into another room this time it had lights and there was a very tall guard standing in the middle of the room holding a whip in his hands. Blood speckled his face and his beard that was neatly trimmed. I assumed the man was Lucas the guy that Trey was talking about. "Commander Trey says that this one doesn't want to talk" the robot said shoving me towards Lucas. "Leave us" Lucas replied waving the robot away. When the door was closed I started yelling, "Where is Lance!". Lucas smiled and set down his whip. "Your a feisty one aren't you?" Lucas said, "Don't worry your friend will be unharmed, but not for long". He edged his way towards me, which made me nervous. I glanced at the whip then back to Lucas who was a few feet away from me. 

                          When he was in range, I dodged to the side, swiped up the whip and hit Lucas. The whip hit him near his eye so it really angered him, he pulled out a small gun from his back pocket and shot me in the leg. I crumpled to the ground and screamed in pain. Thankfully my armor slowed the bullet down but only a little bit. My leg started to bleed and Lucas stood over top of me. He held his hand close to his eye then snickered. "You thought you could escape me" he laughed. He kicked me in my ribs which sparked more pain. "Let's go see Zarkon, I'm sure he would love to meet you" Lucas said, grabbing ahold of the collar of my suit. He opened the door and threw me against the side of the wall. "Guards!" Lucas barked "Give this brat to Zarkon".

                             I didn't fight back even though I knew I was going to be in more pain. Two guards grabbed ahold of my arms then yanked me to my feet. I leaned to one side, and hobbled as the guards lead me to Zarkon's clutches.

Sorry that this chapter was so short I try to keep it between 800 and 1000 words but I guess I could do more. Anyway enjoy!       

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