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                           20 minutes had passed and still no sign of Katie. "Do you think she's okay?" Keith asked, I could hear worry in his voice. "S-She's probably taking her time." I replied.   I had this bad feeling in my gut, I wish I hadn't yelled at her before and just told her that I wasn't feeling well. The truth was that I hadn't been getting enough sleep the past few weeks. I'd wake up from these bad dreams or find myself sleepwalking around the castle. I would climb back into bed before Katie woke up but can't seem to sleep now so I took up reading. Katie was really excited when she saw me reading one of the books she had tucked away in her bookshelf. 

                          My heart was throbbing, I longed to hear her voice, for some sort of sign from her but there was nothing even when we tried to reach her over the coms. All of a sudden there was  a loud rumble and smoke began to pour from the planet. Galra ships began speeding past us without even trying to capture us. The green lion was being towed behind one of the ships that passed us and my heart stopped. "what are they running from?" Keith asked. "I don't know, there's to many ships passing us that I can't get a good reading on what's happening." Allura said. 

                      "Well hurry up and do something!" I barked, "The green lion just passed us so who knows where Katie is!" "Lance calm down" Hunk said, his gentle voice soothed me so I relaxed. 

              "What are we going to do?!" Keith asked, his voice shaking from fear. "I-i don't know" Allura replied, she sounded like she was about to cry, i couldn't blame her. Suddenly there was a loud roar that shook the lions. It was followed by a blinding light. I screamed as i felt my lion being blown away from the planet. My ears rang and my head was spinning. I began to slip into darkness, no i have to stay awake. I couldn't control my body, so i just slipped away into complete silence.


                  My dream was perfect, there was no war there was only peace. Katie lied next to me in bed, her small body fit perfectly next to mine. She had long hair that was pulled back into a pony tail and a white tank top on. "I love you Lance" she said softly stroking my hair and kissing my cheek. I tried to speak but nothing came out and I fell into a dark hole. Screams blurred  together, claws raked my skin. "Stop it!!" I yelled. I covered my face with my hands, I want tp wake up, why can't I wake up? Was I dead? I can't be dead.

                     I hit the ground and felt a jolt through my body, I screamed. My body ran a wave of harsh pain from the top of my head to my toes. It felt like every bone in my body was shattered, pieces broken off and jutting into my skin. My throat was raw from yelling and thrashing around on the ground. "Lance" a soothing voice called out, "Nino del oceano. Come home, my son." I struggled to sit up, my body trembling. "Mama?"

                           A woman appeared, her curly brown hair fell over her shoulders and her light blue dress dragged behind her as she walked. Her crinkled face showed off her smile and her honey brown eyes. "Hello my baby" she said softly kneeling down next to me. She took my face in her hands and kissed my forehead. "Oh my son, it's been so long since I've seen you."  I started crying, "m-mama I missed you so much" I cried pulling her into a hug and inhaling her sweet scent of ocean spray. "And I missed you as well my son. Come, you must come home with me." 

                          She helped me to my feet and took my hand, "Come home my sweet little medusas." I backed away from her, "I would love to go with you mama, but this isn't real " I frowned and wiped away my tears. "I don't understand, I am real Lance." my mama said, her eyebrows furrowed and her once smiling face turned upside down.  "My mama never called my jellyfish, it was always ocean boy." My mama frowned, "Come home safely" she whispered before turning into a white mist. 

             I woke groggy and vomited. My head was spinning and bleeding, my arm throbbed. "Can anyone hear me?" Hunk asked, he sounded scared. "I-I'm here" I croaked. My mouth was dry like sandpaper and my throat felt like a desert. "Lance! Are you okay?!" Hunk asked. "if okay means a broken arm, covered in vomit and feel like I was just dragged through mud and  thrown rocks at then I guess I am" I replied sarcastically. Hunk groaned and chuckled, "Just knowing you're alive is just fine. Did you get a response form the others?"

                      "No, where are we anyway?" I looked around, all I could see was vas space and the yellow lion floating next to me. Pieces of rock flew around us, they looked like pieces from a.....planet. "Where's Katie?" I asked. "Lance..... the Galra planted a bomb on the planet, it was completely wiped out... no one could have survived that." His voice quaked and I could hear him sobbing softly. She can't really be gone, she's Katie for crying out loud, she can get herself out f any situation. But a bomb that can wipe out an entire planet, I don't know how, but I think she survived. 

                        I didn't realize I was laughing until Hunk was practically yelling at me. "Lance cut it out, you're scaring me. I know this is rough buddy but you got to keep your self together, for your sake and the teams". I screamed, it was so loud that it made my ears cry out in protest. "Y-your telling me to calm down, when I j-just watched an entire planet blow up with my fiancé on it?! Look around Hunk, the universe isn't fucking fair so just shut up and find the others before I give you something to be worried about!" I snapped. Hunk whimpered, "L-lance... wha-" "I said SHUT UP!!" I yelled. 

                    My body was screaming and crying for help, hot tears poured down my cheeks and onto my suit. Hunk was sobbing on the other end of the coms, as much as I wanted to hug him, I knew this was my fault. I snapped at him knowing that he's sensitive. He was only trying to protect me from the truth. It wasn't his fault that an entire planet just crumbled to pieces. Katie.... I want Katie. There has always been a sudden need for her but I really wanted her right now. I needed her sweet kisses and a warm hug, her small arms wrapped around my neck as I spun her around and kissed her freckled cheeks. 

                     There was no Katie, there was only this cold, dark, emptiness. It was pulling me in and drowning me in it's sorrowful pools of tears. I sobbed louder, Blue was trying her best to calm me down but it was no use, Katie was gone, she was really gone. There was no way she could have survived the force of the bomb. I wanted to die, I felt a piece of me disappear. My happiness slipping away into an endless void. Katie's face simmered into my mind, her bright smile and caramel hair. Her sweet taste of coffee and sugar mixed with a little cinnamon, her soft lips on mine, the freckles that spotted her cheeks like constellations in the night sky. 

                  It was all gone. 

Hiiii my peeps!! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. This whole quarantine is stressing me out and frankly I'm kinda sick of it. My school had this plan to send us back but the plan was very flawed so they trashed it. They decided to just do online school, but we have to go to school for a day to meet the teachers and such. They split us into 2 groups , A and B. Honestly I like this plan better but I wish that I could attend school in person instead of sitting in front of  a screen. Anyways, I hope that all of you are well and keeping safe during this time. Thank you all for reading the story!! Farwell peeps!! :) 

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