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                                "Shay this soup is awesome" I exclaimed spooning the liquid into my mouth. "It's grandma's recipe" she giggled slurping up the soup. Shay had taken me to a cave not to far from the Blue lion, she said that she was only here to say hi to here cousins but she also wanted to find some plants for her Balmera.

              She complained that Hunk and the rest of the team needed to come visit some time then she asked about how I was doing. I told her about the whole mission to Zarkon's ship, the marks on Pidge and my relationship with her. "Awe I knew you too would be a perfect couple" she chuckled, "I hope Hunk knows how much I love him". 

                 I could see the sadness in her eyes when she said this. "I'll tell him and we'll visit as soon as we cure Pidge" I promised. She smiled, " I would like that".  I explained to her about the flower that I needed fro Pidge and I. "Oh your sick too!!" she said quickly getting to her feet, "Well in that case I need you to drink this now". She handed me a bottle of green liquid. 

                     "What is this?" I asked. "The flower that you need, it's crushed up so you can drink it" she said. I gulped down the antidote, sighing as I felt my body relax. "Thank you Shay, can I have more of that stuff for Pidge?" "Of course" she laughed handing me another bottle, "I've already contacted the ship, they should be here tomorrow morning". 

                    I sighed again happily. "You should rest now" Shay said handing me a blanket, " You have had a rough day". I curled up on my side and snuggled into the soft fabric, slipping into a nightmare...

               "You'll only bring her misery" a voice chided, "You will bring her pain and she will slip into insanity, It will be all your fault!"  An image of Katie shimmered to life in front of me. Her small body was shaking as tears rolled off her face, "LANCE" she cried out, "Why did you leave me?! WHY?!" she was in so much pain, I wanted to hold her, tell her that everything was okay and that I was right here ,but my body stayed in place and my throat was dry. 

                     The image began to fade, "KATIE" I cried, "KATIE come back!" ..... "Lance wake up" Shay's voice broke through the nightmare, "Wake up!" I shot upwards, my body coated in sweat. "Hey it's okay, It was only a dream" shay said soothingly, handing me a cup of what looked like tea . "Thanks shay" I muttered.

                    "You seem to be more energized" Shay pointed out, "But I'm still going to walk you back to your lion cause I'm not taking any risks." I smiled as she helped me to my feet and handed me the bottle of medicine.


                We walked through the woods towards Blue, Shay told me to tell everyone that she missed them and that we were to return as soon as possible. "Okay I'll tell them" I laughed as I stood inside Blue, "Bye Shay. I'll see you soon". She waved me goodbye as the lion roared to life and fell off.

                    The castle wasn't that far from the planet though I suspected that a battle went down cause there was dents and a small stream of smoke coming for the ship. Even though for some reason I was exhausted, I managed  to fly Blue into her hanger then walk up to the main deck. "Lance!!" Hunk cried wrapping his arms around me, "Thank gods your okay, I was so worried".

               Allura, Coran and Shiro walked in and rushed over to me. "Thank the ancients your not harmed, Lance" Allura said crying onto my shoulder. Shiro ruffled my hair, "Good to have you back Sharpshooter" he said. "You guys act like I was gone for months" I said, "I swear it wasn't even 2 days, how long was I gone?"

                  Hunk began to reply but was cut short by a small voice, "4 weeks". I turned and there stood Pidge, with no shoes on, her hair was disheveled and her eyes were bloodshot red. Her glasses stood on the brim of her nose and the only thing she was wearing was one of my shirts.

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