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                                          Ugh, I did not know what was wrong with me. Two weeks after Lance proposed to me, my body felt sluggish and I kept throwing up. I was wondering if it was a side effect from the potion that cured the marks but Lance assured me it wasn't. I've been eating a bit less too, which is probably why my stomach growls at me in protest. 

                    I was laying in bed when Lance came in and lied down next to me. "Hello beautiful" he said smiling,"Feeling any better today?" I rubbed my stomach and sighed, "No... I just want to know what's wrong with me" i muttered putting my head on Lance's chest. He swept his fingers through my hair and softly sang. I hummed along to the tune of the song, my body swayed slightly. When Lance was finished he kissed my head and pulled me closer to him. 

                        We fell asleep like that until my nightmare came. I was in a dark room and the only light that i could see was in a fireplace. Lance stood in front of me, sad eyes gazed down at me as he turned away. "I can't help you Katie." he said before disapperaing into mist. I tried to shout his name but my throat was raw and nothing came out. Shiro was next, holding onto a beaten Matt. "His time is running out Katie Holt" he grinned wildly, "And so is yours." 

                          Then i was falling into a dark abbys, rocks scrapped at my side and images flashed in my eyes. Mat's gravestone, my engagment ring was shattered into tiny pieces, Lance held his side while blood oozed out. I wanted to scream, i wanted it to end. "KATIE!" someone yelled. I was jerked back to reality. Sweat dotted my forehead while Lance held me close. "Are you okay?" he said, panic was all you could see in his eyes. "You were screaming and you wouldn't stop flailing your arms around, I was worried." 

                         I sobbed into his chest while he told me that he loved me over and over again. I sighed when all i could feel was my aching chest and Lance's heartbeat. "Katie, i will always be here for you, no matter what" he whispered into my ear. I smiled weakly, "i love you Lance" i said softly. "Love you too Katie" he smiled before falling asleep. Lance snored softly next to me while I read a book that we picked up at the Space Mall. 

                     After about an hour of reading I picked up my notebook that was lying on the nightstand next to me. I already planned out a portion of the wedding, like where we would hold it, the décor, the formal wear, stuff like that. I sighed and placed my hand on Lance's head, running my fingers through his hair while he smiled and snored. I was overthinking this, maybe we could just do a small little ceremony, we could hold it in the lounge or something like that. Nononononono, this isn't just about me, this is for Lance too, this is a celebration between our love, it shouldn't be this stressful. 

                        My stomach rumbled as Lance opened one of his eyes. "Someone's hungry" he said tiredly, "I could get you something from the kitchen if you want me to?" I smiled at him, "no, I can get it myself, do you want anything while I go get food?" I asked rubbing his cheek. "just water" he said burying into the pillows, "I'm just really tired right now Pidgey." I kissed his forehead and headed for the kitchen. Lance has been training harder than usual, I hope he isn't pushing himself more since I've been sick. 

                          Hunk sat at the counter when I entered the kitchen. He was busy reading a manual of some sort and munching on blue cookies. "Hi Pidge" he said, smiling at me, "Are you feeling any better?" I smiled back, "I actually feel really good right now, just want some food for me and water for Lance." Hunk nodded his head and continued reading. I made myself a sandwich and sat down next to Hunk. I read over his shoulder at the manual, which was actually for the oven.

                     "Hunk, I have to ask you something?" I asked setting down my food. He stared at me, "What's wrong?" he questioned. I fidgeted with my hands, "Well.... It's about Lance, he seems more tired than usual and he's been training a lot. Do you know what has gotten into him?" I asked. Hunk shook his head and sighed setting down the pamphlet and turning to me. "He told me not to tell you but... I guess since you are his fiancé, you should know about his health. He's been training more than usual because he wants to get some stress off of his chest. He worries about you a lot Pidge, he hasn't been eating normally ever since you guys were kidnapped by the Galra. I don't think that's good for his health, he's as skinny as a twig but he pretends that he's not."

                         I stared at the table, he was just worried about me, he's tired and trashed because of me. "Pidge" Hunk said setting his hand on my shoulder, "This isn't your fault, he just needs some rest and something to eat. Make him take a shower too, he needs time and affection." I nodded my head and finished my sandwich before grabbing a bag of chips and 3 water bottles. I scurried back to our room and set the chips and water on the table while I turned on the water in the bathtub. Lance had fallen back asleep, I pressed my hand to his stomach and felt how thin he was, I could feel his ribs sticking out. 

                    "Babe" I said rubbing my thumb over his cheek, "Wake up."  He groaned and leaned into my touch. "Why does it smell like lavender?" he asked sleepily, sitting up in bed. "I thought that maybe you'd want to take a bath and we could watch a movie afterwards." I said pressing kisses to his cheek. He giggled, "What's with all this affection?" he asked after I peppered his face with kisses. "Why can't I give my future husband love and affection?" I asked smiling at him.  He grinned and kissed my forehead, "You're going to be my wifey" he laughed. 

                        I pulled him out of bed and into the bathroom, I took off my clothes and laughed as Lance wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my hair. "You're so pretty" he said. I stepped into the tub and smiled as the warm water hit my skin. Lance slide in behind me and wrapped his arms around me, he loved the smell of lavender that overtook the room. "Hey Katie" he said setting his chin on my shoulder, "I..... I have something to tell you" he sighed, " I haven't been myself lately, I've been exhausted and I haven't been eating for almost a week. I'm sorry if this is upsetting you and I know that I should try harder but I just.... can't." 

                            He started crying, holding on tight to himself. I turned around slightly and placed my hand on the side of his face. "Shhhh love" I said softly, "This isn't your fault, you've been under a lot of stress and I know that you take it out on yourself. Please baby, don't push yourself, all of us are here for you if you need to talk." He nodded his head and smiled weakly, "Y-Your the greatest h-human being in space" he chuckled. I smiled and kissed him sweetly on the lips. 

                        We finished bathing and decided on what movie we would watch. I found a way for us to watch movies from Earth ( I am a genius after all). We ended up watching the little mermaid after Lance begged me to watch it. He sung every song and munched on chips. I loved seeing him like this, happy and carefree Lance. We fell asleep in each others arms, are problems slipping away into dust. 

OMG I haven't updated since freaking DECEMBER!!!! I AM TRULY SORRY!! But I am back now, since the corona virus hit I'll be updating this more. Enjoy my peeps ;) 

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