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                                    I fell into Keith's arms when the pod opened up. I rubbed my forehead as Keith held me up. "What happened?" i asked looking up at him. His face was pale and his eyes were red. "What happened, I'll tell you what happened, you tried to commet suicide!" Keith yelled at me. "I'm sorry" i whimpered, my knees buckled and i fell to the ground. 

               Tears fell easily down my face and into the palms of my hands. Keith knelt down next to me. "lance..." He said but i cut him off. "What Keith!!! I'm a fucking failure, i tried to kill myself but failed!! My life sucks Keith!!! I can't do a fucking thing right, okay, i get it that i am a FAILURE!!" i sobbed and banged on the ground with my fist. 

              "LANCE!" keith snapped. I gulped as I turned  to him. He too had tears staining his face but he was smiling, smiling like the whole universe was okay. "You are not a failure" he said still grinning, "You are so much more Lance, your brave and smart and important. Anyone can see that, but i don't know why you can't". 

                   Before i had a chance to respond, Keith pulled me into a hug. I gripped his shirt and cried into his shoulder until i tired myself out. Keith helped me to my feet and led me to my room. "Get some rest" he said as my door slid open, "We'll find Pidge in the morning". I nodded and headed to bed.


                I didn't go to bed, instead i headed to the Blue Lion and drove it away from the castle. "I'm coming for you Katie" i said to myself, "i don't even care if it kills me". The black maks that had attacked my back had only grown worse. Before i left the castle, i checked myself in the mirror. My skin was black and red but in some places it was pale, like all the blood was sucked out of it.

                     I could only imagine the pain Katie was going through, even if the Galra  left her alone, she would still be aching from the stiches and the marks on her back. I shuddered at this thought, Katie had it way more worse than me, why was i hear complainning about my pain.

                I hope that the other paladins don't notice that I'm gone till morning, i know Keith will notice, he's probally checking up on me right now. But Pidge is more important, she needs me and I need her. I wonder if I should tell her about my marks or would that just make things worse. I can't make up my mind.

               The blue lion began to growl and it stopped in its tracks. "What's wrong girl?" I asked the lion as I checked the fuel tank, it was full but that didn't help. I glanced up from the screen and instantly my mouth hung open. 

                 What lied out before me was a huge wormhole. I was hesitant at first but then I moved in slowly. Blue wined in protest, "Come on Blue. Let's just see were it leads to" I said softly to the lion. 

                 When we were about to enter the wormhole a static voice went on to the intercom. "Lance" Hunk's voice bellowed, "We.... f-found.... P-Pidge". Then everything went black as I was sucked into the wormhole. 

              Sorry this was such a short chapter, and I 'am sorry that I change between Pidge and Katie. I can't decide. Anyway hope you enjoy the rest of this story. ;)

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