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                                                              I ran to my room, my face still red with anger. I needed to be alone so I could control myself. When I reached my room I buried my face into my pillow and screamed, just screamed. I screamed until I lost my breath and had to gasp for air. Tears rolled down my cheek and burned my face. Why am I so angry at Pidge, It's not her fault that I miss my family and it's not her fault that I want to run away. 

                       I grumbled then shoved my head deeper into the pillow. I remembered when I first met Pidge she was so eager to go and find her family. She would sneak out in the middle of the night when no guards where patrolling, and sit on the roof of the Galaxy Garrison building. She would look at Kerberos every night, hoping that one day her family would appear. There was a faint knock on my door, at first I thought it was Pidge but then Keith asked if he could come in.

                    The door slide open the revel the red paladin. He was dressed in his usual black shirt and pants with his red, yellow and white jacket that stopped half way down his stomach. He wore the same colors on his boats that clinked against the ground. "You okay?" he asked stepping into my room. "I don't know" I replied ,sitting up. I swung my legs out of bed and clamped my hands. "Do you want to talk about it" he asked sitting next to me on the bed. I shook my head up and down then told him about my family and the fight with Pidge.

                "Sounds familiar" Keith said. He smirked but it quickly faded. " If you like Pidge just tell her how you feel I'm sure she'll understand. I shook my head, "She knows that I like her, but I don't think she likes me" I said. Keith put his hand on my shoulder then said, " I miss Earth too, even though I have no family there, I still miss it". "I'm sorry" I replied. "Don't be" he said "It's not your fault". Even though Keith and I are like rivals and all ,the guy was a great person to talk to.  He understood what I was feeling and he understood what I was going through.

                    "Thanks man" I said. Keith stood up and walked to the door. "No problem" he replied, "And Lance, if there's anything that's troubling you, come talk to me, I need the company". "Okay" I said, "Thanks". When Keith left the room I put on my pajamas not even bothering to eat, then I snuggled into bed. Letting the blankets take me to a soft heaven. I let out a sigh then I disappeared underneath the covers.

                   I lifted the blanket off of me then I walked over to a small drawer I had in the corner of my room. I grabbed the green headphones that were resting there. I slipped them onto my head, then went back into my bed. It felt good, just laying there relaxing and not worrying about the universe being destroyed. I felt great, ok maybe not entirely great but I felt good, better than I had when I first arrived at the castle. 

                    I lied there, staring up at the ceiling until I fell asleep. My dream was weird and felt strangely real. The first image I saw was my family. Everyone was there but then the image grew darker. "Lance" my mom called out "Were are you?". "Mom" I wanted to call back but my voice did not work. My mouth felt like sandpaper and I couldn't move my body. Then the image shifted and Pidge stood before me. Her hands were trembling and they were wrapped around a small picture. She was crying and no one was there for her. I wanted to tell her it was okay and I wanted to hold her. But like I said I couldn't move a thing.

                  Then the image changed again showing the team. Shiro had his arms crossed and his face was hardened. "Do you even have a thing" Shiro said. "What use are you against the most powerful paladins in the universe" Allura said. Keith waved his hand " You can't even tell a person you like them let alone get over the thought that you are scared" Keith said.  "Can't even get over the thought that we are never going back to Earth. You signed up for a life long time of fighting" Hunk said. The floor beneath me opened and I fell into a dark void.

                   I hit the bottom with a hard thud. I sat up and rubbed my bruised head.  Someone laughed behind me. I got to my feet as quickly as I could and stumbled back. Zarkon came into view, he snickered then unleashed his sword. He charged at me and I did nothing to stop it. The sword went through me and I disintegrated into the air.

               I woke up sweating and wheezing. My shirt was now wet and it made me smell weird.  I got out of bed and stood in the middle of my room. I tried to process what had happened, it seemed so real. I went to the bathroom and wiped my face up. I took a shaky breath then headed back to bed. This time I did not have a terrible dream instead I dreamt about Earth and the white clouds, the green grass, the dark blue ocean. I felt at peace with myself I finally got a good night sleep that I never thought I would get again.

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