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                   Three weeks since Lance went missing and the team wasn't taking it great. Keith would train 10 times harder than usual, Allura started to actually sleep by the control panel, Shiro became distant and Pidge was worse than ever.

                   She would never leave her room unless it was to get more alcohol. If you pressed your ear against her bedroom door at night, you could hear her moaning for Lance to come back. Then came the screaming.

                  The wreched screaming started as a whimper then grew louder and louder. It was heart shattering and scary all at the same time.

              Keith was the only one who could calm her down completely. He would walk into her room at night and stay there till she stopped. Keith was losing sleep every night. I offered to help but he just shook his head and said that he could handle it.

       I honestly don't know what to do. I try to help Coran as much as I can, but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to shake the feeling that I'm doing nothing.

             Everyone is depressed, should I be? I have to stay strong, for Lance, for the team....

Time skip to Pidge's room...

          "Hey Pidge, I brought you some dinner" I said outside of Pidge's door. I heard glass clanging on the other side. I pushed my way through the door to find Pidge on the floor with a bottle of nunvil in her mouth.

              "Pidge you know alcohol is bad for you" I muttered pulling the bottle away from her grasp. "But hunk" she groaned, " it makes me feel good". She slurred on her words and giggled uncontrollably.

            I couldn't take it anymore. I knelt down next to her and pulled her into a hug. My body was shaking as I sobbed. " I'm so sorry Pidgey" I cried, " I'm trying to be b-brave but i-i can't." 

            It must've been hours before I left her room. I sat there until she passed out in my arms. I went to the kitchen and cooked a good meal for the team. 

              I called for them all to come to the dinning room. Allura smilwd, " thank the stars someone is in good spirits" she said as she embraced me. Shiro and Keith followed her into the dinning room. Both of them were covered in sweat from training.

                Keith dragged in a half awake Pidge. "You didn't have to bring her" I said to Keith as he set Pidge down in her chair . " What else was she supposed to do, get more drunk" Keith said glummly. 

              Pidge snorted and asked for a bottle of nunvil. " No Pidgey we're going to have a nice dinner as a family" I said setting a steaming plate of food in front of her. "But Lance isn't here" she grumbled, " and he's a part of our family".

               "I-i'm not saying that he isn't a part of our family. I just want to have a nice supper with my freinds, okay?" I said ruffiling her hair. Shiro smiled and patted my back," good job Hunk" he chirpped," it looks delicious".

           I set down the plates of food and everyone gobbled down. Pidge eyed her plate and pushed it aside. Keith glanced up from his food. "Katie please eat" he said. 

                Pidge's face went red. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!" She screamed slamming her dist down on the table, "Only Lance can call me that, and he is not here!!!!" She was sobbing as she ran out of the dinning room. 

             Keith bolted after her crying a little. I frowned, this was suppose to be a nice dinner but everyone is on the verge of breaking. I sat there in silence then headed to my room to cry my worries away.         

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