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                                I fell asleep on the cold, hard floor of the control room. I stretched out my arms and stood up. No one was here it was quiet, too quiet even for me. I walked to the door and down the hallway, towards Lance's room.  I wanted to tell him I was sorry and that I really didn't want to go if it made him unhappy. I liked Lance, I liked him a lot, I just didn't know how to tell him. I knocked softly on his door, no one answered. I opened the door and a blast of hot air hit my face. I walked in quietly then I noticed that the lights were off. I flipped the switch and light streamed in. Lance was spread out on his bed, my headphones were on his head and he snored lightly.

                     I giggled softly then put the covers on top of him. He rolled to one side, "Pidge" he whispered. He patted the spot next to him. What was I suppose to do walk out of the room. I lied down next to him, his brown hair was messed up and I thought about mine, it probably looked like a nightmare. But regardless I snuggled against him.  My eyes soon grew tired and I slept the remainder of the night next to him.

               In the morning I would tell him. Lance went back to snoring and I just rested my head on his shoulder. When I awoke panic arose in the castle.  The ship trembled and shook from the blast of a weapon. Lance kept on sleeping because the noise was canceled out of his headphones (my headphones).  I nudged him in the ribs softly. "Lance" I said "Wake up the castle is under attack". Lance's blue eyes looked around confused. He looked up, still dazed. "What's going on?" he asked. I rolled my eyes , then pulled him out of bed. "Get dressed in your suit" I demanded "Then get to your lion". Lance did not hesitate, he ran to his closet to grab his suit. While I bolted down the hallway towards my room.

               Allura was banging on my door when I arrived. "Were have you been" she yelled "Why are you not in your room, getting ready!". I rolled my eyes and pushed past her. I put on my suit and grabbed my helmet. I ran to the control room, and burst through the doors. Keith and Shiro were arguing about something, Lance was trying to calm Hunk down and Coran was in the bottom of a control panel. "You've got to be kidding me" I mumbled. I rushed to help Coran but Lance pulled me aside. "Hey ,about last night" he whispered. "Lance were under attack and your worried about last night" I whispered screamed back.

                    Lance stepped back and fiddled with his fingers. "Look, I'm sorry that I yelled at you I'm just worried that this will be my last chance to find my brother and dad" I said. Lance nodded his head and was about to say something but Shiro butted in. "Um ,were kind of about to die, so if you could get to your lions that would be most helpful" he snapped. Shiro scared me when he was mad, but I couldn't blame him, I act scary when I'm mad.

                 Lance ran to his lion and the rest of us did the same. I plopped into the green lion's seat then blasted off.  We circled the castle protecting it from what ever hit it. "Uh.." Hunk said "I don't see what were fighting". I scanned the area searching for the monster or ship. "That's weird", I said "My scanners aren't picking up anything".  Suddenly my lion jerked forward. "Hey!" I yelled ,trying to gain control. "What's wrong Pidge, did your scanners not see me" a voice chided on the other end of my com. "Lotor" I said. My lion was thrown away from the ship. "Guys!" I screamed, "Lotor is here and he's in some invisible ship that my scanners can't pick up".  A huge ship came into view it had blasters on each side and a huge cannon sat on the top.

                 The red lion started to shoot at the ship then the rest of the team fired away. Hunk smashed the yellow lion into the side of the ship causing it to smoke. The black lion pounced on the cannon and ripped it off. I scanned the ship for any weak spots, the back of the ship had an opening big enough for me to fly the green lion into. "Guys I'm going into the back of the ship, cover me" I yelled. The blue lion jumped behind me, covering my tail, literally.

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