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                           I dabbed a cold cloth on Katie's forehead, watching the small droplets of water caress down the side of her face and drip onto her black t-shirt. Allura had managed to get her into a pod after she started yelling and having bad PTSD of being shoved into a closet as a kid. I hated watching her break down, the yelling was worse, the cries for help as she clung to my arm.

                      "PLEASE!" she had screamed, "MATT, DAD, SOMEONE HELP ME!!". I sobbed as Allura and Hunk shoved her into the pod, she then began banging on the door. Allura set off some gas to make her stop, she slumped against the glass, tears rolling down her face. Keith held me back as I tried to get her out.

                    "K-Keith" I sobbed, "s-she needs help". Keith was silent as he rubbed my back and held me close. Turns out he too was having some weird PTSD were he was crying for his dad after he ran back into a burning building. He started crying for someone to stop him. "Dad come back" he cried, "come back, please!". Soon it was just me and him on the floor, holding each other and crying.

                       I carried him back to his room after he passed out in my arms. He had bags underneath his eyes from countless nights without sleep. I set him down in bed and pushed up the blanket to his chin. I kissed his forehead, remembering how I did that to my nieces and nephews, and pulled back his bangs so he had a forehead showing.

                         Then I'm back here, sitting beside my lover, praying that she'd wake up. My eyes were swollen from crying and cutting all over my body. Got to stay alive, I kept saying to myself, I have to keep pushing.  For her, for them, for my family, I have to keep going. Blood soaked through my bandages and somewhat stained my shirt, I had to put a jacket on even though it was hot in the castle. 

                     "L-Lance" someone whimpered. I glanced down to see that Pidge was blinking away the sleep from her eyes. "Hey baby" I smiled, "You feeling any better?" She groaned as she sat up, her hair fell over her shoulders in a sloppy mess, but it somehow made her look cute. "lance" she said again, she cupped my face in her hands and kissed my lips.

                  I accepted the kiss, but was surprised when she deepened the kiss, her hands traveling up my shirt, trying to get it off of me. I cracked a smile and pulled away, "Someone is getting very 'sexual'" I said making air quotes. She grinned and tried to kiss my again, I put my finger between her and my mouth. "Later" I whispered into her ear, then I got up.

                      "Where are you going?" she asked trying to get up, I pushed her back into the bed. "I just need to tell the team that you're awake" I replied kissing her forehead, "I'll be right back". She whimpered and tried to get up again, "Lance please" she said tugging at my shirt, "What if he comes back? What if it's not a fake me this time? What if he comes to get you? Or the team?" she panicked and fidgeted with her hands.

                  "Katie" I said grabbing her hand, "Nothing is going to happen to you. He's gone and we're going to find the real Shiro, so just calm down. I'll be right back my love" I rubbed her hand to sooth her then left the room, locking the door behind me.

  Sorry that this was a short chapter but WHOA things are about to get very dramatic, I'm not good with smut, actually I don't write smut at all (THIS IS A SMUT FREE BOOK!!!) sorry for those who think it is cause I suck at writing it. So this will be my version of fluff.  

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