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                     I hate the Galra, It's official, i hate them. See if they were more like Keith they would be fine but no you have to kidnap me and drag me out into the middle of space to prove that you are the meanest of them all.

                I woke up in the midde of the night to find that i was on top of Lance who was sleeping softly. I smiled then kissed his nose and that was the moment that i heard the noise. A growl mixed in with a laugh. I glanced to the side and saw a galrain solider. He smiled at me before putting a finger to his lips, showing that i must be silent. 

                He held a blaster in one hand and a pair of cuffs in the other. He motioned for me to come to him, I shook my head but then he pointed the blaster at Lance's head. Panic flared in my chest as I slipped off of Lance's chest and onto the cold floor. The Galrain slapped on the handcuffs and slung the blaster across his back.

           Now's my chance  I thought to myself. I kicked the solider in the chest and let loose a blood curdling scream. Lance shot up right in bed and kicked off the covers as I was lifted of the floor. "Lance" I cried as the Galrain kicked him, sending him flying across the room. He landed in a heap on the floor, groaning in pain.

               I kicked and squirmed as the Galrain solider ran down the hall with me slung across his back. I looked back and saw that Keith and Shiro had joined Lance in running after me, and after a while Hunk showed up too along with Allura. My friends will get me  I repeated in my mind, there was no way that the Galra were going to put me in that torture ship.

                         But when I saw that Hunk had collapsed on the floor, I knew I wasn't going to bed that night. I was then shoved into the back of a Galra cruiser and I panicked. I hate being enclosed in small spaces, it felt like the walls were closing in on me. I couldn't breath, I needed my inhaler. Through the roar of the engines I could hear Lance screaming my name. Then I blacked out from the lack of air.


               When I awoke I was in a small room, perfect just what I needed another panic attack. I pushed my back to the wall and groaned with the effort. I felt the scars on my back digging into me and the sword wound in my stomach with the stiches rubbing against my skin. It hurt like hell, that's all I could say, why does everything hurt like hell??

             The door to the cell opened and a different Galra stepped in. He had long purple hair but the side of his head was shaved. A long scratch raked across his left eye so he couldn't see anything out of it. "Your coming with me" he commanded. I stood up and followed him into the dark and dingy halls. "You paladins are hard to find, you know?" the guy said, "My name is Hew by the way, and I want you to know that you are about to die at the hands of the greatest empire in the world".

                This guy was weird, he spoke in such a calm voice like me being dead was great, which for him it probably was. But either way he still scared the crap out of me. I wanted Lance so bad right now, I wanted him to comfort me, tell me that everything was going to be fine. But he wasn't here, he was back on the castle doing who knows what.

                  " So where are you from?" Hew asked turning left down another hallway. "Why should I tell you? You kidnapped me and you want me dead. There is no point in telling you about myself" I replied frowning. Hew shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe, I work for a rebel force and I want to help you escape" Hew said grinning. "Wait, WHAT" I whispered screamed. Hew turned to face me. "Keep your voice down" he commanded, "Or we will both be caught". I pursed my lips together to show that I would keep quiet.

                    "Now follow me and do as I say" he said guiding me down a hidden pathway. I followed and held my breath as we passed a few Galra guards. My heart pounded against my chest and sweat dripped from my forehead. I need my inhaler, but alas I do not have it. Hopefully I do not have another asthma attack or I might pass out. 

                 "Are you okay?" Hew asked slowing down to walk next to me. "I-I'm fine" I stuttered, "Just a l-little hard to b-breath". "We can stop if you want us to" Hew said. "N-No, I can do this" I replied. Hew nodded his head and continued forward into the dark halls.

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