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                                      I was sitting on the floor of my empty room, rocking back and forth, crying into my hands. The smell of throw up lingered in the air after i had thrown up all over my bathroom floor. I felt so sick that i couldn't bring myself to stand up, knowing that my legs would give out and i would fall and hit my head against the hard floor. Sighing, i decided that at least i should lay down in bed. I struggled to stand, my legs wobbled with every step i took, finally i threw myself onto my bed, burying my head in the soft pillow. My stomach rumbled and tore at me. I groaned, sinking deeper into the sofa, hoping that maybe it would pass. 

                  I layed there for what seemed like hours before someone knocked at my door. "Come in" I said sitting up in bed and fixing my disheveled hair. Allura walked in and sat on the end of my bed, putting her head in her hands.  "Ughhh" she groaned floppign backards on the bed, "Keeeiiittthh I'm dying." I chuckled and lied down next to her, "And why is that?" i asked. "My head hurts, Coran won't stop bugging me about this glitch in the castle's system and to many planets need our help and i am not in the mood right now to do anything." she complained rolling over to face me. She sniffed the air and frowned, "It smells disgusting in here" she commented getting up and  wondering into my bathroom

                   "KEITH!" she yelled running out of the bathroom, "You could have told me you were sick!!" She grabbed my arm in an attempt to pull me out of bed. I groaned and whimpered under my breath before she slung my arm across the back of her next. I leaned my weight to her and wobbled all the way to the pods. Pidge and Lance were sitting in the pod room, Lance was wrapping some gauze around Pidge's wound and getting rid of the bloody one. Pidge smiled at him before looking up and meeting my eyes, "Keith?" she said, "What happened?" 

                   Lance turned around and ran towards me and Allura, pulling my other arm around his neck till I was supported on both sides.  Pidge ran up to me and worriedly felt my forehead with the back of her hand. "You're burning up" she commented, "how long have you been sick?" I whimpered as another wave of nausea passed over me. "S-Since this morning" I shivered suddenly feeling cold. "Looks like your running a fever. I think that you should stay in the pod for 2 hours and then we'll bring you to your room for some rest while Hunk makes you some soup and grilled cheese sandwiches" Lance said, smiling at me. 

                         I nodded my head and let Lance and Allura guide me to the pod. I stumbled inside and smiled at my friends before my world went completely dark......

   Pidge's POV

                             Lance slipped his hand into mine as Keith closed his eyes and sighed. "He's going to be okay Katie, " he said reassuringly before kissing my head. I sighed and walked with him to the kitchen, my stomach rumbling for some breakfast. Since Hunk was fixing up the engine room with Coran, we decided that we might as well have some fun with breakfast. Lance searched the cupboards for flour while I grabbed some blue eggs and pink milk from the fridge. 

                    I turned around and was smacked in the face with a handful of flour. Lance laughed as  I sneezed and rubbed my eyes. I grinned and took out a blue egg, throwing it at him and landing it in his hair. He fell backwards and was a laughing mess on the floor. I set the eggs aside and climbed onto his chest, smiling down at him before kissing his sweetly on the lips. He chuckled before getting up and setting me on the counter. Hunk would kill us if he found out about the mess we made in his kitchen which is why I went to work sweeping up the flour and mopping up the egg. 

                              Although my face was still covered in flour, I still wanted to make breakfast. I mixed the flour, eggs and milk together while Lance took out a pan and plates for us. I poured a bit of the mixture into the pan and waddled to the fridge to find anything related to chocolate chips. Lance came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, snuggling his face into my neck. "What are you doing" I giggled as he trailed kisses along my neck. "Can't I cuddle my fiancé?" he asked with a sly grin on his face as he kissed my cheek. 

                       I blushed deeply and pulled out red chocolate chips. "Get off you dork" I laughed squirming in his arms. "Nooooo" he whined pulling me closer to him. "Lanncceee" I groaned struggling to get to the  stovetop, "The pancakes are going to burn." He giggled, "But  Kattiieee, your so warm and cuddley." I smiled and managed to get out of his grasp, then i rushed to the stove to flip  the pancakes. "Now look what you did" i grummbled seeing the crispy pancakes that were burnt on one side. Lance shrugged his shoulders, "Totaly worth it" he said with a goffy grin on his face. 

                              We set up the table and put our burnt pancakes on the plates. I drizzled some blue syrup and green chocolate chips onto the pncakes and Lance poured some juice into cups. We chatted as we ate, mostly about wedding plans, Lance wanted a ocean wedding and i happiy agreed to. I went through my tablet and found a perfect planet with an amazing beach and sunset. "It's going to be perfect" Lance exclaimed as he set our dishes in the sink. I smiled at him, "Ya..... perfect as can be." 

I honestly love this chapter (not the part were Keithy gets sick), cause my childeren are so happy and excited for their wedding .  Anyways,  I hope that everyone is getting through this Corona stuff. I've been stressing about some school stuff but all in all I'm doing pretty good.  Be safe everyone!!  ;)

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