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                             I stretched out over my bed, the blankets cradled me and made me want to fall asleep and never wake up. I got up and waddled into the closet, searching through the clothes that were either thrown across the ground or hanging up messily on hooks. 

              I picked up a green lacy dress, the sleeves exposed my shoulder, showing of the millions of freckles that dotted my skin. I put the dress on, slipping into it easily. The dress was a bit long but I wasn't tripping over it so it was fine. "Pidge" Lance said. He couldn't see me because I was in the depths of the closet. "Katie!" he started panicking, I could hear it in his tone and the sound of things being moved around franticly. 

                    "Lance" I said moving into view, "Babe I'm right here". His hair was messy and his eyes were red and puffy. He knelt down in front of me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Gods, please stop scaring me like that" he sighed contently pushing his face into my stomach. I ran my fingers over his hair and kissed his head, "I won't leave" I said softly. 

                     He stood up and looked over me. "Why are you wearing that?" he asked. I blushed, "I thought.... maybe we could go somewhere nice? It's okay if you don't, I understand." Lance smiled, "I'd love to go" he said, "Let me get dressed and we can go." He left and went to his room while I brushed my hair and fixed my face. I put a dab of foundation under my eyes, trying to hide the bags of sleep. At the end of my weird make up session, I put up my hair in a bun using the green ribbon. 

                      Lance returned with a blue button up shirt with a pair of jeans. He didn't straighten his hair so his mocha brown hair was curly, I loved it. "Shall we" he said extending his hand to me. I giggled and held onto his hand. We walked down the hallway, hand in hand while he talked about where we were going. "When I left I talked to Allura about 'romantic' places to go that were nearby" he said, "There's a planet nearby that has breathable air and a holiday that they're celebrating today."

                   I smiled, "It sounds amazing." Lance grinned at me and kissed my forehead, "Promise me no flirting with the aliens" I said. Lance made a pouty face, "I would never" he exclaimed picking me up bridal style, "Your my one and only." I pressed my face against his chest, taking in his salty sea scent. I never wanted this to end, his scent, his smile, his laugh, they were all embedded into my brain, and I never wanted to let them go. 

                       He set me down inside one of the pods and we took off into space. Lance smiled to himself, "What is it?" I asked as we approached the planet's atmosphere. "You'll see" he giggled kissing my hand. When we landed I gasped and awed at the city spread out before us. The skyscrapers touched the clouds that were a light pink. The glow made the entire city light up in the late evening. 

                    "It's beautiful" I awed, "Where do you want to start?" He took my hand and we ran to the streets. We ate at a nice restaurant that served a purple spaghetti that I loved. Lance watched me slurp up the noodles and  chow down the meatballs. He ate a flatbread and a side of chili. When we were stuffed we went to the market place where the celebration was being held. Lance gave me a red rose and tucked it behind my ear, I blushed at the attention and affection I was being given.

                       "Look Katie balloons!" Lance squealed grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the balloon stand. We purchased two balloons a green alien  for me and a blue cat for Lance. We laughed and adored each others  company as we walked down the long streets. When we finished looking at all the stands, Lance took me to a hill covered in purple flowers glowing in the setting sun. 

                    "Katie" he said turning to face me, "You are my whole universe and if I could keep you safe the rest of your life I would. Your like the sun, no one can touch you, and even if they did they'd burn in you beauty. You are so smart and I could never live without you so..." he knelt down on one knee, pulling a black box from his pocket and opening it up to me revealing a emerald ring inside. 

              "Katie Holt will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Lance smiled at me, his eyes glinted with pure love for me

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              "Katie Holt will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Lance smiled at me, his eyes glinted with pure love for me. I cupped my hands over my mouth, "Yes!" I laughed. He slide the ring onto my finger then  I smashed my lips into his. He was mine now, and I was his, no one could tear us apart. Not again, never again

 Not again, never again

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