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                                As soon as I awoke my stupid headache returned followed by Lance's soft snoring. I groaned as I felt my bladder about to explode, I untangled my limbs from my fiancé and rushed to the bathroom. After I flushed and washed, I returned to bed and let Lance lay his head on my stomach. I grazed my fingers through his hair and kissed his head lightly. I checked the alarm that I had in my nightstand, 6 in the fucking morning are you serious?!

                        I've always been accustomed to waking up early in the morning but I am totally not a morning person. I hoped that today would be a calm and relaxing day, just me and Lance, I could plan more of the wedding and catch up on my search for my brother and dad.  Lance yawned and kissed my cheek, "Good morning sweetheart" he said tiredly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "good morning darling" I replied holding onto his hand and kissing it softly. He rolled out of bed, sniffing his clothes. "As much as I want to cuddle with you, I need to shower first" he sighed ruffling my hair. I nodded my head and pulled out my computer as he made his way to the bathroom.

                     I began looking through any updates on Matt and my dad, finding that there was one spotting of Matt nearby. I sat up straight and searched through a Galra folder about Matt, finding pictures of him and information about his recent whereabouts. He was last seen on a planet named Grenfern, about 30 miles from are current location. He was to close for me to pass up this opportunity. I set down my computer and quickly got into my paladin suit. I raced down to the hanger with the flash drive held tightly in my hand. I flew out of the castle and as fast as the Green Lion could go, to the coordinates that I had found.

                      Sighing deeply I lied back against my seat and watched stars flash by me. Lance and the others would be worried sick when they find out that I had left while I was still not feeling well but my brother's life was on the line and I couldn't sit around and do nothing about it. The Green Lion purred at my sudden outburst in energy as we approached  Grenfern.  "Sorry for worrying you girl" I said, "I'm just so anxious to find Matt, it's been so long since I've last saw him and I don't know if he is hurt."

                     I settled the Green Lion down on the planet's surface and pulled out a beacon which would be used to locate Matt. I left, turning around once to make sure that my lion was hidden within her camouflage. The ground was dry and crusty, like the desert almost, with little purple dots speckling every foot or so. I heard a scream from somewhere up ahead. My heart hammered  against my chest as I ran towards the screams.

                        Then I saw it, a body laying on its side, red liquid oozing out of their side. Hazel hair that was matted to one side with curly tips. "MATT!!" I screamed running as fast as my tiny legs could carry me. I dropped to his side and turned him towards me, his eyes were closed and his lips were chapped, blood speckled his face and bruises and cuts littered his body. "Matt please wake up!" I begged shaking his shoulders.  

                           His body disintegrated in my hands, a hologram. A siren arose in the distance and reality came crashing down on me. Galra soldiers approached me, guns ready to shoot at any moment. The Green Lion roared and flew over my head, waiting for me to get in. Shiro emerged from the crowd of soldiers, smiling wickedly at me. I stood in fear as he ran at me slashing down with his energy hand. He grazed my cheek and was about to hit me again when I activated my jet pack and flew to my lion. 

                          A solider shot at me, hitting my arm, causing me to cry out in pain. I grunted and stiffled back tears. I stummbled into the cockpit  of my lion and turned it back towards the caslte. I flew away from the planet, my body acheing and crying out in pain. Blood seeped onto the floor of the cockpit, soaking into some of the books that i had stored for when i was bored. I put the Green Lion into autopiolet as i stummbled to my emgergency kit. Delicalty wrapping my arm in a sling i sat back down in my seat, forgetting about the deep cut on my cheek. 

                       I pulled the lion into the hanger and stummbled out, my arm was numb from the pain as i kinda ran to the medbay. Coran saw me and jogged over, a worried look plastered on his face. "Pidge" he said touching my arm gently, "What in the quiznack happened?!" I breathed out a sigh of relief as he gave me pain meds and sat me down on one of the beds. Allura and Keith ran into the room followed by Hunk and Lance, "Omg Pidge are you okay?!" Hunk asked. 

                               "I-I'm fine" i stuttered, "Just a gun wound." Lance came up to me with a furoius but concerned face. "What in hell where you?!" he shouted taking my face in his hands and rubbing his thumb over the cut, "Katie i was worried, you can't run off like that without warning one of us." I looked away from his concerned face, "I'm sorry, i was trying to find Matt and ended up being lead into a trap." Lance bit his lip and backed away from me slowly, "Why do you do this to your self?" he asked, "Always putting your life on the line for someone elses, Katie don't you relize that you have a life of your own?!" 

                           He started yelling at me, anger spitting out of him like a fire. "And all these weeks you've been sick!! You were putting yourself at a even higher risk!" Tears burned my eyes, but i held them back. "Wouldn't you do the same thing for one of your family members?! You get to go back to Earth with a loving family waiting for you. I have nothing, all i have is my depressed mom, and my brother and dad who might be alive!! So you can just stop with this bullshit because i will die just to save them!" I screamed. 

                        He looked hurt and ran out of the room, covering his face with his hands. Hunk glanced over at me, "Pidge i think you might've been just a bit to harsh." I stared at him, anger buring deep into my eyes. "Shut up Hunk!" He whimpered and stepped back, Keith placed his hand on my shoulder to steady me as i began to sway from side to side. "I think it is time you went into the pod." he said carrying me to a pod. 

                          "You'll feel better once you get out" Keith reasurred me, smiling softly, "Then you can go talk to Lance." I nodded my head and sighed as my world went black. 

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