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                          I groaned in my sleep and was awaken by someone softly snoring. I jumped up but was held down by a pair of strong arms, I panicked and started screaming. "Holy shit!!" a voice said, "Oh my gods Katie, don't scare me like that". 

                     The voice sounded so familiar, kinda like.....LANCE!! I turned and was met with a beautiful pair of ocean blue eyes that sparkled and a goofy smile. His brown locks were sticking up on all ends and his bare chest showed off his stunning abs. I found myself staring for a long time, trying to process this. Was it really him or was I hallucinating again. Suddenly he leaned forward and planted his lips on mine.

                  The salty lips tasted, for some reason, sweet and calming. I melted into the kiss, closing my eyes and never wanting to leave. When he pulled away for air, I sighed contently before falling into a heap in his muscular arms, crying like a two year old. "I-I thought y-you'd never c-come back" I whimpered snuggling into his chest, "I t-thought I l-lost you like d-dad and M-Matt". He cried into my hair, "I was so scared Katie I thought you were lost but then Hunk came in over the communicator and said that you were back but I was sucked into a black void".

                      "I don't care as long as your back then I'm fine" I said peppering his face in kisses. Lance laughed and pulled me into a hug which made me cry out in pain. "Shit, I forgot, I'm sorry" he said, "But I have something that will help". He got up and ran over to a glass container containing a purple liquid.

                      He plopped back down on the bed and opened the bottle then he held it out to me. "Here" he said, "Drink this". I cautiously accepted the glass and brought the mouth to my lips. I sighed then poured the liquid down my throat, it was soothing in some way and tasted not as bad as i thought it would be.

                         Lance smiled as i set the bottle on the nightstand. He urged me to go check my back in the bathroom mirror. I giggled as he scoped me up in his arms and dashed to the bathroom. I pulled up my shirt and saw the black marks receding into my back, the pain that once overwhelmed me was now gone, vanished along with the marks.

                   I felt woozy afterwards as I fell back into Lance's arms. It felt so good, the pain long gone and Lance, all I wanted was him, to be in his arms once more, to be kissed on my forehead by his ocean salty lips, and looking up into his dazzling blue eyes. "I love you" he whispered into my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck. I turned around and planted my lips on his.

                            They tasted just like I remembered, salty, like the ocean's crystal blue water. "I love you too" I replied then I passed out. ........

                     It wasn't long before I realized how much I needed sleep. When Lance went missing I panicked but didn't show it, then when the second week ended I stopped hiding the pain, I was sluggish the past few days, okay weeks. Keith was there of course, he always was like a brother figure to me, after Matt was taken. Then when Keith saw how depressed I really was, with the cuts on my wrist and all, he stayed closer to me, he was there when nights would get tough and I couldn't sleep, he was there when the alcohol obsession kicked in, Keith was there and Hunk was too, but Shiro was..... distant. 

                        Not being a stalker or anything like that but I was beginning to feel scared around Shiro. When ever I was deeply drunk, he would scold me and smack my arm, leaving bruises and handprints stinging into my skin. He was more secretive too, always sneaking away or trying to avoid having dinner with us which I was forced to do.

                One night when everyone was asleep I started talking to myself, just talking, nothing like a madman. I tried to bring my spirits up but I missed home, I missed my mom, I missed dad and Matt, but most of all I missed Lance. No matter how many times my thoughts trained off it would always lead back to him. Now that he was back I couldn't be depressed in front of him, he'd think that I was a coward, then Shiro would come and beat me up.

           Anyways, when I was talking, Shiro stormed in and asked me what i was doing. "I-I was j-just talking to m-myself" I whimpered. Shiro frowned, "Well could you be a little more quiet or better yet SHUT UP!" I cried as I curled up in the corner. Shiro stood over me, "Pidge.." he leaned down to touch me but I rejected it. "please" I cried, "please d-don't hurt m-me". Shiro became engulfed in rage as he struck me with his metal arm. 

                         I screamed and cried out for help, but no one would come for me, they were all asleep and the doors were soundproof . A large red gash was planted on my shoulder, blood dribbled down my forearm and stained my green tank top. Shiro looked at me with pity in his eyes, "Don't talk anymore. Don't even think about telling Keith or any of the others" Shiro threatened, wiping the blood off of his arm, my blood.

                      That happened almost every night afterwards, I had marks covering my body. The stains on my face from the hot tears stayed like a dieses that there was no cure for. When I woke up on Lance's chest with tears stinging my eyes, I remembered  those hard nights, the screaming that sounded like an animal in pain, the PTSD that would kick in and flashes of Matt and Dad came back. 

                           "Katie" Lance's gravely voice said, "Are you okay?" I clung to his shirt as those nights came flying back. "Katie please tell me" Lance cooed, rubbing circles into my back, passing over the bruises which made me wince. Lance made a questioning look before lifting up my shirt. His expression changed so quickly, "What is this?" he asked, "who did this to you".

                         I cried into his shirt, he was mad, I didn't want him to hurt me. "Katie" he said, "please".  "I-I tried t-to fight b-back but I w-was to tired" I sobbed, "H-he said that if I t-told anyone, h-he would hurt me". Lance rocked me back and forth in his arms, "Who did this?" he asked again. "S-Shiro" I whimpered, "Please Lance don't tell him I said this, please don't let him hurt me" I cried burying my face into his chest. "I won't my love, I promise you that no one will ever hurt you" he whispered into my ear.

                             After a few more minutes of me crying and clinging to Lance's shirt, I fell back to sleep again.....


                           Heller peeps, sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy trying to finish up my Solangelo one shot book. Anyways enjoy peeps :) 

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