05: ripped out of my chest

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   "Welcome, one and all, to the Tent of Telepathy." Mabel's voice echoed, obviously using a mic. "Now, I am sensing something." After a brief pause, she continued. "Ah yes, it appears that in a few short moments, you all will be absolutely, without a doubt, entranced."

I waited for Janessa or Rachel to snort with annoyance, but they actually seemed entranced just like Mabel said they'd be.

Before I could even see it coming, the dark blue, velvet curtains rose showing Mabel to the crowd. Upon seeing her, I almost did a double-take. She was taller now, probably taller than me, although maybe it was the heels. Her hair was shorter than it was the summer I met her. Three years ago it went all the way down to the middle of her back, but now it was just barely below shoulder length.

Her performing outfit didn't change, though.

"Hello." She greeted the crowd which began to cheer at the sight of her. "Yes, I know it's been quite sometime since we've seen each other." Her pearly-white smile gleamed in the light of the stage. "I can't thank you enough for welcoming me home this night."

The crowd began to scream, cheer, and clap wildly. Even my friends had joined in, but Gideon looked suspicious of her.

"Now, we do have a few ground rules to set." Mabel explained. "Rule number one, please, no flash photography. While we do allow pictures and videos for you to post all over social media, flash is distracting to us."

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Janessa and Rachel pull their phones out and opened Snapchat. "This is gonna be so cool." Janessa whispered.

"So, once more, no flash photography." Mabel repeated. "Wonderful, now rule two is no outside food or drinks are allowed in the tent. If you are found with such items, you will be escorted out. So no outside food or drink."

I didn't remember them having rules when I went, but times change.

"And the last rule is," before Mabel could finish the lights on the stage went out, hiding her completely in the shadows. "Try not to scream." Her voice echoed across the tent in a creepy manner.

I could feel the shivers race down my spine as the silence prevailed until I saw I flash of blue light by the corner of the stage.

Mabel took in the crowd carefully with an eye and began to chuckle. "Welcome to the Tent of Telepathy, folks. I hope you enjoy the show."

The lights flickered on just in time to see Mabel teleport to the middle of the stage. As she did that, I heard a familiar chuckle sound over the speakers in the tent. "Ah yes, shall we begin the show now, sister dearest?"

There it was. His voice.

"That's all up to you, brother dear." was Mabel's reply.

A flash of pure-black smoke exploded on the stage next to Mabel. And in that flash of smoke, was the man himself. My heart stopped when I saw him. Mabel wasn't the only one who had gotten taller. Definitely surpassing Mabel's and my own height. His hair, still exactly the same, which I expected. That boy did obsess over his hair.

Seeing him there jolted me back to when I first saw him on stage three years ago. The magic I felt when he turned cards into doves, the burning sensation my heart gave when he handed me the blue rose the time I was on stage with him.

The candles around the tent flickered and went out as the stage lights took their place to light the darkened tent. "Now," Dipper turned to face the crowd and my heart sped up, skipping a few beats. "Who wants to see a magic trick?"

And the audience cheered. Janessa seemed glued to Dipper on stage and it made me feel uneasy. But I shook it off and continued to watch the show.

"But of course," Dipper looked at the crowd, a smirk sitting on his face plain as day. "I'll need a volunteer."

Every hand in the audience shot up, even Rachel's and Janessa's. Part of me wanted to raise my hand, to try and recreate the first time we were in this situation. I remembered it when we came down the aisles and chose me despite my hand not being raised.

I raised my hand nonetheless, hoping he'd walk past me and notice me sitting there once more. I could already see what would happen. A smile found its way onto my face as I waited for it to all go down.

Dipper grinned at the enthusiasm the crowd seemed to hold. "Ah yes, you're all excited for this, aren't you? Unfortunately, I won't have enough tricks for all of you to volunteer for, but we'll do our best. Won't we, Mabel?"

Mabel took a step forward. "Why, certainly."

"Now, let's see who wants to be my volunteer." Dipper chuckled aloud.

His eyes scanned the crowd, looking for someone to be his victim. I'd seen this look a million times with him, but it still managed to make me shiver. Icy blue eyes gazed over to the back of the tent where I was sitting along with Gideon, Janessa and Rachel.

Without so much as a warning, Dipper walked off stage and into the sea of people, almost completely disappearing. He appeared by the row I was sitting in and my heart began pounding so loud that I could hear it echoing in my head and in my ribcage.

He smiled fondly to where I was sitting.

My heart was racing as this all played out. After all this time, he still remembered me. He still remembered everything we went through. He's here with me.

"How about you, miss?" He extended his hand toward my row and I began to reach out to take it.

Everything went in slow motion. My hand, slowly reaching for his, the way his eyes danced with sparks of blue like they were on fire. Matching the flames the candles held. But my heart felt like it was ripped out of my chest when I saw what happened.

His hand clasped around Janessa's hand and he pulled her out of her seat. Janessa's face was flushed as she looked at him up and down.

"What's your name, miss?" He asked her as he led her to the stage.

"J-Janessa." She stuttered.

"Wonderful." He replied.

And as he led her to the stage, it suddenly hit me:

He wasn't looking at me. And he didn't remember me at all.

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