32: like I said; I just wanted you to know

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   Cody was right. God damnit he was right. I fucked her up bad. She was better without me.

   Wow, you really are an asshole. She loves you, and you keep screwing up!

   I tried pushing those thoughts out of my head but they kept repeating themselves over and over and over until I felt I couldn't breathe and—

   "Oof, getting a little aggressive, huh, rich-boy?"

   I looked up and almost smiled. Almost. "Scarlett. What the hell are you doing here?"

   She shrugged and dangled her legs off the rock she was perched on. "Walking around. Don't wanna go back home, y'know, just like I always do."

   I found myself nodding. "Yeah, It makes sense."

   "So are you gonna tell me what happened to you? Or do I have to keep guessing because nothing with you is ever straightforward." Scarlett hopped off the rock and followed me.

   "Why does it matter?" I asked over my shoulder.

   "Because you look like you got the shit beaten out of you, that's why." Scarlett stated. "And don't you say 'you should see the other guy' even though that's probably the case."

   Usually that would have been funny, but I was too enraged to find it amusing.

   "Let me guess, this had something to do with Pacifica?" Scarlett guessed. "Am I right?"

   "Dunno how you could have gotten that out." I grumbled.

   "Damn, she's got a good punch. Your lip is hella busted!" Scarlett laughed. "You need ice on that soon enough or it'll swell."

   "She didn't do this," I gestured to my face as we continued to walk. "Somebody else. Somebody I'm sure you remember."

   "Well don't leave it at that, spill." Scarlett rolled her eyes.

   "Cody Chiu." I said through gritted teeth.

   "Damn, dude can pack a punch!" She exclaimed. "Never thought he'd resort to violence, though. Always seemed too scared of confrontation. Why'd he punch you?"

   "That's a long story, Scarlett." I sighed. "A very long story."

   "Why don't you tell me about it?" She asked. "I'm assuming your blonde girlfriend's upset that you punched him back, so you've got at least five hours."

   "Five hours?" I echoed. "Is that how it works?"

   "Damn, Dipshit, you literally know nothing about being in a relationship." Scarlett shook her head at me. "I thought you'd been in one before."

   "I have." I defended myself. "Just, it was three years ago. With the same girl. . ."

   "Which brings us to when you tell me why you and Cody hate the hell out of each other." She grinned. "I mean, you might as well."

   "If I'm being honest," I placed my hands in my pockets. "I didn't even know Chiu until three summers ago."

   "You don't say?" She asked, sarcasm clear in her voice.

   "But he was friends with Gideon Pines," I noticed she recoiled when I said the name. "And, naturally, could be closer to Pacifica than me."

   "Naturally." She mused. "So what happened?"

   "Pacifica didn't like me," I continued. "She thought I was. . .the human form of the devil or something. But I noticed that Cody obviously had a crush on her. I had intended on stopping it before it got too far. But, he asked her out before I knew it and she said yes."

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